24.Visitors at the penthouse..

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The ding sound of the penthouse elevator got her attention,a little surprise is written all over her,as she takes a good look at the elegantly dressed woman,mid sixties? shoulders back,head held high,power and confidence.
Walk from the elevator towards her.
Locking eyes with her,Emma could not help but feel a little intimidated by her presence.

Feeling the need to shrink and blench alittle.
Making a hult infront of her,a wave of her expensive perfume sever her nostrill.

In Emmas eyes,the lady seemed too familiar but she could not quite pinpoint where she had seen her.She sure was not lost to her destination,by the looks and her confidence,she sure knows where she is.

"Hi" Emma greets her,trying to distruct her from from the intense gaze she held towards her.

"My sources were right,you are here.So is this your new home?" she asks,going past Emma and towards the kitchen,Emma following behind.

"Do i know yo...."

"So how much does he pay you per night?"

"Who? i am alittle confused here ma'am."

"Do not play dumb with me,i am talking about Elroy;my son." Leaving Emma completly dumbfounded,she continue."You are the one who has been warming up his bed.I mean,the fact that he lets you live in here,you must be really good and wild in offering your services."

"That...i am not...."

"Listen,i have raised my son really well,cultured him and natured him to become what he is today and i will not let a lowlife cheap sgate like you to ruin him.

I have invested a lot in him,including his marriage,so why don't you respect the engaged ones and go back to where you belong,the brothel.If you want,i know a lot of guys who can pay you triple of what my son is offering you."

Emmas vision become blurry,with tears threatening to roll down her cheecks.She has taken alot of insults but somehow,they always end up piercing through her heart.

"Margrieta! that is enough insult on the young lady,Roy will not like all this one bit." A voice of a man,probably Elroys dad,interupts the two.

Emma was so dazed at the words of the woman that she sure must have missed the man walking in the penthouse.

On his appearanca,he seemed like a nice person but also sad at the same time.His appearance,you could tell he had gone for weeks without shaving his beards and unlike the woman,he had not put too much effort on his dressing.
He had on,a skyblue button up shirt untucked from the grey pants he had on.

Emma could tell, the woman was as surprised as she was of the third person joining in on their conversation,by how she snapped her face to look at him.
Probably wondering how he got in without their notice.

"That is where your wrong.My son would never choose a slut over his own family."

She Grabbed on a glass of water that was on the counter,splashing it across Emma's face.

"Margrieta! that is enoug!" The third person in the room yells,waling directly towards them and halting betwin the two women,probably trying to shield Emma.

"Why?! why Gregory?! why should i stop?! are you going to choose the dirt,just like you did years ago?are you going to let her destroy all that we worked so hard and build for our son Roy,just like that?! tell me!

"Meg,i am not picking any sides...what you are doing here...you are assaulting her.I am not going to just stand here and watch you do that..."

"Greg,come on...she should let our son be."

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