15. The wedding?!

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I had accompanied Cece to the washroom at the park when Bella said that she would be the one to wait for Mr.Alasdair as he was going to pick them up at the park.At noon when Cece insisted that i should join them at the park.

Comming back from the washroom,i was surprised as the kids grub my hands and throw a white vail on my head as they giggle.

"Wait,what is this?" i ask Bella who is smiling ear to ear
"Its a game,its called, 'Yes,to your prince' " one of the kids answer as they continue to giggle.

My face felt hot as my palms begin to sweat.I had never been to a park while growing up so i guessed its a game commonly played by kids at the park?i don't know.

I look.around at the tiny faces of the kids who looked back towards us their faces plastered with joy and excitement.
I on the other hand feeling so embarrassed being caught up in this situation.Bella and Cece also joining as she giggles.

"This is so exiting nanny Bella"
"I know,right" Bella tells her in excitement.I only managed to give her a glare.
"Nanny Bella,does this mean that,after this,I would have Ms.Fairy as my mother?" Cece asks,smiling.
Managing to steal a glance at Mr.Alasdair,he had on a poker face,but for a moment i could swear i saw Conner of his lips twitch almost in a smile.

The kid infront of us acting as a priest took our attention as he begun to recite the 'vows'.
"The rings?" the kid asks.I can barely move an inch,and my words are caught in my throat.

As if i have words,i think sarcastically to my thoughts.
Barely a minute pass another approach holding two blue lollipop candy ring.

This is absurd,i think to myself.Feeling a little nervous about all that is happening.
Looking at Mr.Alasdair,he is so calm and collective about all this.
I really need to get out of here,maybe run?,i think to myself.But that would be a stupid move considering it is just a game.right?
"Earth to Ms.Kings." i am brought out of my daze by Mr.Alasdair's words.
"Mmmh?" i look at him equisevley,risingng an eyebrow.
"The 'priest' asked you a question."
"Oooh buoy,seems the princess is not sure about his prince." one of the kids in the crowd shouts and suddenly all the kids start to laugh. "Maybe you should ask her again,i am certain she is nervous,my Aunt said that people tend to get coldfeet on their wedding." A girl wearing a cute pink dress matching her hair clip and her shoes continues,as she giggle.
"Ms.Kings,do yo take Mr.Alasdair,as your lawful husband to have and to hold from this day forward,for better or for worse,for richer or for poorer,in sickness and in health,to love and to cherish till death do you apart?" I take some time,almost a minute contemplating what to do.
"Its just a game Kings" Mr.Alasdair whispers to my ears.
"I do."

Mr.Alasdair? do you take Ms.Kings as your lawful wife to have and to hold from this day forward,for better or for worse,for richer or for poorer,in sickness and in health,to love and to cherish till death do you apart?"
"I do." he says looking towards me before turning to the 'priest'.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife."
The kids clap their tiny hands for that.
"Mr.Alasdair,you may now kiss the princess" the kid says as he looks through to the crowd of the kids and he starts to Lough.
Kids start to chant
"Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her....."
"Wait! what?!" i ask to the kid dazzled at his last statement.He ignores me and join the other kids as they continue with the chanting.

I divert my attention towards the crowd and it had doubled as i can spot parents and nannies,i don't know.

Turning to Mr.Alasdair,he has on a smile plastered on his lips.He should be smiling often,he does look quite handsome when he smile.

I think to myself and felt like smacking myself on the head with for having such thoughts.
"What?!" i ask him,rising an eyebrow.
"You know they will not stop,and the crowd will continue to grow bigger.Look,it is just a stupid game Ms.Kings,it is not a biggie." he says,in a low voice turning to the crowd.

"Exactly!" i whisper yell to him before continuing with my argument."It is just a game,it does not have to be so detailed like......" I am cut off as i feel his warm lips linger on my right cheek as he place a gentle kiss on my cheek before pulling away.

I can feel the tip of my ears burning.
I quickly look away from him and the crowd start to cheer while others throw sweets and candy towards us while clapping their hands in excitement.

Dropping me outside my apartment in his sleek car,i wave a goodbye towards Cece and Bella before throwing in a than kyou to Mr.Alasdair who responds with a nod and off they drive away.

It truly was a long day,i think to myself as i enter inside my small apartment and shutting the door close.
I take a quick shower and change into my night ware.Seeing that i am too lazy to prepare dinner,i settle for a hot cup of cocoa.

Plopping myself in bed.I admire the blue lollipop candy ring that fit so perfectly well on my ring finger.
Memories of today's episodes run through my mind.
How it seemed so easy for him.
Holding my hands and sliding the lollipop ring on my ring finger.
Of course he is probably used to all that.He has had it all on a silver platter through his entire life.Caring parents,nannies,good schools,walks in the parks... name them all.

I can not help help but smile,remembering the gentle kiss he planted on my cheek earlier on.Touching my cheek with my hands,still feeling his warm lips on my cheeks.My heart rate increasing at the thought of him.

Taking the ring off,i place it under my pillow and fall asleep,smile plastered on my lips.

Phimora Thnewski💜💜💜

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