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"Who's necklace?"  Patricia walked inside our bathroom holding a golden necklace on her hand,one that i had gotten for Chard when he had agrreed to go on a date with me.Our first date.I had been seeng him,there was something in him that always pulled me towards him,something like a spark.

"I don't know,where did you find it?" i aked her,wrapping a white towel around my waist as i walked from the bathroom to our bedroom,trying so hard to avoid her eyes.

"I found it where i found the pearl earrings the other day,on our bed! are you cheating on me Max?" tears had begun to roll down her cheeks.

Maybe i should come out clean to her,She did not need to suffer like this,because of me,because of my dad.I should tell her the truth.Yes it would hurt her but maybe for a couple of days,weeks maybe months but not a lifetime,she should be free.

And my dad?my dad would surely kill me,this wedding between me and Patricia was something that dad had dreamed about,the benefits that would come for both our families.

No,i should not,besides i had called things of with Chard last night,swore to never see him again after my wedding.Yea,that was for the best.
We had made love on this bed,the bed that i shared with Patricia,that was a mistake,a mistake that would stick forever with me.I had cheated on Patricia.Besides,after getting married,we would move to a new house,where we would rise our family.That would be a new start for me.

"No,i am not,we are getting married in a week,Pat.maybe it belongs to one of the house help,give it to me,i will ask around." i took the necklace from her hand and placed it at the bedside table,before taking her hands in mine.

"You are right,i'm sorry,i just..i think i am just nervous with the wedding and everything.I am sorry Max,i don't know what i was thinking.That was stupid,i know you would never do anything like that to me.Sorry." She said,clearing tears from her cheeks as i pulled her into a tight hug.

I was also nervous,would i be able to love her as i loved Chard?all the thoughts kept on revolving inside my mind.


"Nervous much?" I was brought out of my daze  with Emmas voice.I move from the mirror and walk towards Emma,my cousin and my best friend.

She knew me very well but she never pushed me into making a decision that she thought was right in her eyes.

She always told me,as long as i was happy.

She fixed my neck tie,looking straight into my eyes.

"Is this what you want Max?are you happy?" She asked,her hands sliding to my shoulder,gently squeezing me.

"With time,i believe i would be,Patricia is everything a man would desire.She is loving,understanding,caring and more." She pulled me into an embrace.

I pulled back,everything was beginning to take a toll on me.

I paced back and fourth,messing my hair as i run my fingers through them,unbuttoning the black half coat that i had on,suddenly it was getting hot.

"I hope this is what you want Max."

"Yea,it is,i just...i'm ok,my adrenaline is just acting up,i will be down in a minute."

"Ok,i will wait for you downstairs.Remember that i love you and any decision you make,i'll be right behind you."

"Thank you Emma,i love you too.Very much." With that,she walked out,shutting the door behind her.

unwantedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora