9. "It is too late for that."

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"Are you happy now?" i am brought out of my daze."i mean...after sending him to police custody,is it satisfying? You know,Barry was right...the problem with you sir is that you tend to think that you are the sun and that the wo...
"That is exactly how i feel!" i cut her off,and pick up from what i think she was to say."and you want to know why?! it is because i am the sun...everything revolves around me."

I am an Alasdair...ofcourse everything revolves around me.That information is a no brainer.I almost roll my eyes at that.

"You should be thankful that i did not add a trespassing charge to your boyfriends case.So be careful how you talk to me.
I can still change my mind.The problem with you is that you feel like you can just walk in to my properties and just talk trash.

It is not my fault that your life is miserable!"

To think that she is doing all this because of her boyfriend.She really does love that moron of a boyfriend.I swallow hard,beginning to feel a little bit agitated and i do not understand why.

"My life is not misser...You don't know me so don't....
"Oooh yeah? i know you.I know you from head to toe Miss.Kings"
I start towards her and grip on her left elbow with my right hand and stare into her eyes.Beautiful eyes that are capable of apprehending you with just a mare glimpse and to never give you the opportunity to find your way out.
But then again,behind those eyes are hidden different emotions.
"You know..,just because you were rescued from a shak as a kid,does not mean that you belong.Maybe your uncle should have thought twice before taking inn an ungrateful piece of trash like you."
A deep silence follows afterwards as shock,anger,sadness written all over her face.Tears thretening to fall from her eyes.
Registering what i had just sput out,it is too late.I do not even know what to say.Where to start from.
What is wrong with me,what was i thinking.I really hurt her a lot .What have i done!

I feel a sharp sting'ing' pain on my right cheek as she slapped me and slowly,not breaking her gaze towards me,she begin backing away from me gripping her right elbow.
As if i am a monster and she is scared to turn around,afraid that if she did,i would grab on her shoulder and hurt her.That is the look registered on her face.

"You are the most disgusting thing that i have ever come across." Her last words before she quickly storm out of the office.That is how she feels about me.The look she gave me,

That was not the look i am used to while walking on the streets.

That's not how i want her to know me.

That's not how i want her to feel about me

..that...that is not how i want her to look at me.

I burry myself in loads of work at the office till late night and decided on to just drive home rather than spending the night at the penthouse.

Getting into the house,lights are already turned off.
I slowly walk upstairs to my room stopping at Cece's room to find that she is already sound asleep before heading to my room.
Freshening up,i change into my nightwear and toss myself in bed.
The night feels so long as i keep tossing and turning arround.
Looking at my watch on the bedside table,it is twenty-eight minutes past three in the morning.

I drag myself out of bed,putting on a hoodie and walk downstairs to my library.

Deciding on a glass of tequila.

I walk back into the kitchen and set myself on one of the stools around the kitchen table and letting my mind wonder off.

"It is too late for that,or rather it is too early for that"
i am startled by the voice,turning arround,it is nanny Mildred. "Can't fall asleep? you miss her a lot don't you?"
"If i hadn't stayed up late at the bar and get myself drunk that fateful night,she could still be here with us,they could all be here nanny."
"Elly,stop,it is was not your fault.Things happ....
"It was my fault.It's my fault Cece will grow up without her parents" Saying that and thinking of her,my eyes become blurry from the tears threatening to drop any minute.
I am not like this.
This is not me.
I do not show emotions.
Mildred place her hand on my shoulder trying to sooth but it only made it worse as my tears instantly dropped down my cheek.

"Elroy listen to me" she says as she gently squeez my hands."All that occurred was not your fault so stop blaming yourself.Accidents happen.All the time.And i am sure this is not how Aoife and Lance would want to see you."
"Listen to me Elly,what Cece needs is love and care,and you have been amazing by being her source of that.
Sure it may not feel the same,but you are an amazing dad to Cece and she loves and adores you very much.
So do not let that pass." i only manage a nod as she takes an empty water jug from the kitchen Ireland and refill it with water.

"You should get some sleep Elly"
"Thank you nanny,i will just head back to my room,i really had a long day today." i tell her getting up from the stool and running a hand through my hair.

"What did you tell her?"
"What,Who?" i ask her a little confused
"I am talking about Kings,what did you tell Miss.Kings"
"Nothing.why? what did she tell you?"
"She did not tell me anything neither did she have to.I mean,i can tell she is always sad and all but whatever it is that you told her,must have broken her to a million pieces.

The way i know you,is not how people out there know you Elly.
Do not unleash your anger to other people just because you feel superior than others.People are going through a lot too.
You are a good person and i believe that you can tell wright from wrong.
Do not let emotions rule over you Elly." With that she walks back to her room muttering a goodnight.

Almost the end of the year.
Happy Holidays y'all😊🎄🎄

Phimora Thnewski💜💜💜

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