21. Truth of the past.

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Slowly,i opened the door to my room in the penthouse to check up on her and she was still sound asleep just as i had left her.

After the incident in her apartment,i had to ask her to stay at the penthouse.
The only thing i want to do right now is to protect her at all coast from anything or anyone.
I am almost certain that all that could be her uncles doing but i did not want to pressure her on that matter,for some reason,i am waiting and hopping for her to open up to me.For her to trust me.

Walking towards her,i stare down at her sleeping frame,i can not bring myself to stop.Everyday i am more mesmerized by her beauty.Seating next to her,i stroke some of her hair back,away from her face,leaning down before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.She stirs in her sleep before her eyes oppen,staring back at me.

"Sorry,i did not mean to wake you up,go back to sleep." i tell her,almost cussing myself for waking her up.
"No,its fine.I feel like i have slept for hours,what time is it? are you from the office?." she asks,now bringing herself to a seating position.

She seems so tired though truly,she has been sleeping for hours,since i brought her in after the incident.
She seemed so scared that i waited for her to fall asleep,but even then,i did not want to move from her side,but i had to go follow on the case and grab some of her things from her apartment.

"Its almost 7pm.I already asked the help to prepare dinner.I went to follow on the case and grab a few of things you may need.They need you at the station tomorrow for another statement."
"But i already told them everything i know,i dont want to go back there,besides,maybe all that was some angry neighbour doing all that." she says.trying to push the matter away.
"Are you sure? some angry neighbour would go to an extent of buying dozens of rabbits and throw them in your apartment,besides,i thought you told me that you hated rabbits,Emma,i don't think all this is just some
'angry neighbour' as you put it....."

"Elroy,I don't want to talk about it.I feel alittle tired." she says,cutting me off.

She takes a pillow and hold it to a hugging position.
I don't know if its wrong the wrong time but my heart made a flip when my name rolled out of her tongue.

If i have not been keen with her,this is the only time i have heard her call my name.

I only manage to nod in agreement.

The last thing i want to do right now is to hurt her.
"Ok,i understand." i comfort her.Taking her hands in mine.
I can feel she doesn't trust me or maybe she doesn't trust anyone else."I just wanted you to know that you can trust me thats all.
I dont mean to put so much pressure on you." I gently squiz her hand,hopping to assure her that i only want the best for her. "I will just see if the food is ready then."

"If you need anything i will be in the other room." I tell her,pulling the quilts to her neck.I did not want to leave her side,i want to lay next to her and hold her to a tight embrace.I want to feel her in my arms but i decide to just try and give her some space.She stare back at me not saying a word.
I peck her cheek and smile down at her.
I chuckle at how cute she gets when her cheek turn crimson and the tip of her ears ridden.

I really like her alot.If only she knew.

"The guest room?"
"Yea,will you be ok in here?" i ask her.She seems hesitant but she nods her head.
I switch off the lights before starting my way outside her room.I will have to leave the door open incase she called or needed something.

"Can't you stay here?"
"You want me to stay?" i ask her,even though i heard her words,i just wanted to hear it from her.I know i have laied next to her before,but that was sort of different.My head was not very clear,i was a bit tipsy.
Though i loved the feeling of waking up with her in my arms,taking in her smell and her being the first thing i see the minute i open my eyes.
"Mmmmh" she responds,taking my right hand while trying to move creating some space for me next to her.
With no hesitation,i get under the covers,thank goodness for the darkness,as i can't help smile from ear to ear like a moron.
Encircling my hands around her tiny waist,i pull her close towards me.
I feel her tense for a second but soon relax.I kiss her temple before placing another on her forehead.I can feel her breath fanning my skin,leaving tingles of electricity all over my entire body as she bury her face at the crook of my neck.
Though we have been quiet for a minute,i can tell she has not yet fall asleep.
Bringing my palm onto her cheek,i maul her cheek using my thumb before placing a lingering kiss on her cheek,to let her know that i was here for her in whatever she needed.
Taking in a deep breath,her palms fall on my chest as she mindlessly start to trace the v-neck of my t-shirt and even grazing on my skin a couple of times,leaving me yearning for more while wondering of the ecstasy that would come if she run it through my bare chest.
I can tell that she is in dip thoughts,but i force myself not to pressure her.
"It was him,right?" she asks,breaking the silence that was around.
"My uncle,i know it was him who brought those rabbits inside my apartment."
"Well...they still have not found anything that is pointing out on him.What makes you so sure it was him? .Emma,you can trust me,i..need you to trust me.You can tell me anything.You don't have to go back to the station if you don't want to."
"He used to lock me up...in a room full of rabbits..."
"Why? i mean why would he do that?"
"I am leporiphobic,i..i...don't like rabbits,i am scared of rabbits" She says,pushing herself up to a seating position before continueing."He always did that to just torture me,'helping me to get over my fears' that is what he would always say.
He would Lough at my cries.It was such a horrible experience...." Her voice breaks as she begin to sob.

Joining her to a siting position,i pull her on my lap,engulfing her in my arms, i gently stroke on her back as she hid her face on my chest.

Pain,pain is what i feel when i see her cry.I will do anything to take all the pain she is feeling away from her.
That Jeffrey,better run and hide in some caves where i can not find him,because i will make him regret ever hearing the word life itself.How could he be this heartless and still exist among us.

"With an uncle like that,who needs an enemy,right?" Dexter mumbles,his eyes fixed on the floor of my stady room,after i told him what had happened earlier on Saturday.

Today after having breakfast with Emma,i asked her what she wanted to do for the day and she said that she wanted to watch some movie,i went downstairs to the kitchen to prepare some popcorn and when i went back up to the room,she had already fallen asleep.
It seems like she enjoys sleeping alot and would rather sleep than do anything.
Pulling the covers to cover her properly,i lean,placeing a kiss on her forehead before heading down to the study and Dex dropped by minutes after.

"What are you going to do now?" he asks,with a worried look on his face.
"Ruin his life."
"Maybe you should let the police handle everything Roy,i am certain that they will find a leading root towards Woods."
"No,he has too many escape holes,he knows alot of people,it will not be easy to just throw him in jail,plus jail is not enough sentence for what he made Emma go through."
"Elly,dont do something crazy,do not take matters into your own hands.Don't forget who you are and all this could end so badly."

I will not rest until he roats in jail,even if i have to i have to drug him in there with my own bare hands.

"My goodness,i have never seen you like this before with any other woman."
"Like how? look,i am certain i would do the same thing if it was still another person who would be in her position."
"You really like her alot huh..you are completely crazy about her.
Just be careful with what you do next Elly."

"I don't need to be careful,I am Elroy Alasdair."

"Don't come to me with that crap." he tells me,rolling his eyes while he gets to his feet.
"You are leaving already?"
"Yea,i need to be somewhere."
"Thats none of your business."
"Or maybe you are seeing someone?" Saying this,his face turned a little crimson,proving my suspicion to be right.
"Like i said,it is none of your business.I will just look around for something to eat,i am hungry." he says,walking towards the door,twisting the knob and opening the door.
"Or you could just eat at her pla...." with that,he shuts the door close.I can't help but Lough at the thought of Dex in a committed situation.I decide to work for some time and when i finish,maybe Emma would be awake already.


"Wow,that is you?" she asks laughing.They sat down on the carpet,their legs curled as if on yoga.Facing the tv but their whole concentration is on the album laying on the small glass coffee table in front of them.

"I still don't know why you are laughing,i mean,i killed it in that suit."
"Yea,but your expression sayed otherwise."
"Well at least i did not have some chiffon scarf hinging on my head like sime weirdo." Now it was his turn to Lough while she looked at him,a smile threatening to form on her lips.
"Well,Excuse me and my stylist,it was not easy to come up with all that in a second,ok." she says,pointing on the album.
"Either way,your style needs work."
"Tell that to her." she says,her index pointing at the photo in the album."she was my stylist.I wonder where she could be right now...."
Dex goes silent for a moment.I could tell he felt nervous? for a second.

"That is..Aoife...Roy's older sister...."

Clearing my throat,they both turn their heads towards me.

I still got love for y'all😍😍

Phimora Thnewski💜💜💜

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