23. Scandal.

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That feeling,that feeling again,you know,the one you always feel sometimes,as if someone is following you,as if someone is watching your every move?that's the feeling she has been having lately.

Looking back again,no one is around apart from the pedestrians who seem to be like her at that moment;concentrating more on to reach to their destination.
A minute after knocking at Auranny's door,she open the door for her,a smile plastered on her face for seeing her friend.

"Heeey" she says,hugging her before welcoming her into her small apartment.

"come in" ushering her inn,Emma following her from behind,taking in her sorrounding,it was a small apartment just like hers,with an open kitchen but unlike her,Auranny made an effort to make it feel homey with pieces of art hinging on the walls.

She had two brown couches with a small brown coffee table in the middle,small flatscreen hanging on the wall.

"Your place is so nice." Emma says,while taking a seat on one of the couches while Auranny took the other one.

"Thank you.How have you been,how was the shift at the engagement party on friday?we wanted to call you yesterday but Rossa said that you might be tired since its unlike you to not show up at the fruitshop on Saturdays."

"It has been a long weekend for me Auranny."

"Did something happen,are you ok?".She asked,a little worry on her face.

"No no,i am fine,its a very long story."

"Ok,let me grab my purse,i also invited Linda,i told her to meet us at the Cafē." she says,while walking and disappearing down a hallway.

".....can i get a glass of water first,thankyou" Linda told the waitress before leaning in.

"How was the party,i so wanted to be there,were there hot guys?is it true that there was drama at the party? i mean its true,considering that there are pictures...

"What drama? pictures?" Emma asks,curiosity building inside her,she wanted to hear if anyone found out about what has been going on,there were no people around when Elroy's parents saw them,and she believes that his parents would not say a word,to protect their reputation.
But even so,she would not be surprised if people found out,Elroy is a public figure with paparazzi stealing snaps of him.

"That Elroy was making out with some girl,in his own engagement party,did you see the girl?"

"No Linda,i..did not see anyone..."

Linda pulls her phone from her purse,showing it to Emma while Auranny leans in to also see.

Looking at the screen on the phone,relief washed over her,her face was not captured.iIt appears that the person who took the photo must have been behind her.Capturing the moment Elroy's hands were around her waist,as he kissed her.
A shiver run her body,at the memory of that episode.

"......settle down,right Emma? Emma?!" she is snapped out of her daze when Auranny snaps in her face."What is up with you,you are so far away.Or maybe you found some hot guy there." She finishes,looking at Linda and they start to giggle.

"I heard what you said Ranny."

"Oooh yeah? what did i say?

"That you and Barry would like to settle down." She says,with a smirk on her face.Now it was her turn,as her and Linda burst into a fist of laughter as Aurannys cheecks turn to crimson red.

"That wasn't funny at all." Auranny tells them.

"Are you guys togrther?" Linda asks Auranny,turning all her attention to her.Emma thanking the heavens for being able to change the center of the conversation to Auranny.

"No,no we are not." she says,a tone of sadness heard in her words and voice."He doesn't see me like that,he is into someone else." she finishes,looking at Emma.

"Someone else? who?" Linda asks,the same question Emma had in mind but Linda beat her to it.

"I think Barry likes you Emma..." saying that,their food is brought.They both go silent as the waitress place the foods on the table before leaving.

"What?!" Linda asks,almost jumping from her sitting position,attracting afew peoples attention before she covers her mouth and bringing herself back to composure.Emma on the other hand,shock and surprise written all over her.

"What?no,Ranny,Barry is my friend."

"Well that is not how he sees you."

"Is that what he said?" Linda asks.

"No,but he...."

"Then that is not true...."

"Emma,its ok,and he does not need to tell me."

"Well i don't see him thatway,i like Barry allot,but only as a friend.He has always been a good friend to me."

"Well that is how they start,they always play as 'the good friend' and the next thing you know it,they ar....." Linda starts to rumble while sipping water.Ema rolls her eyes bringing her attention back to Ranny who try to hide her sadness with a smile that is not reaching her eyes.Placing her hand on top of hers.Trying to assure her.

"Look Ranny,i think you are just imagining all this.He will come to his senses."
"And you? have you ever look..."

"No,and i am kind of seeing someone else." She was not planning to tell them,at that moment but it just came out.Auranny seemed astonished as Linda on the other hand chocked on her water.

"What?! Who?!" they both ask in unison.

Phimora Thnewski💜💜💜

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