Because if Cessianne offered her divine power directly to the devil, she would not be able to reincarnate, so she was using Bellinock.

"They are also looking for the origin of the third black magic, because..."

Bellinock murmured again in shock.

"...Because Annabelle Rainfield has eyes that can tell the origins of black magic."


"She is said to be the only one in this world capable of recognizing the origin of black magic. Perhaps it was her, not Ian Wade, that destroyed the other two so easily."

Lagian was not particularly interested in such things. It was the origin of black magic, and everything was the concern of Carlon and Bellinock.

All he had to do was kill Annabelle and take the money.

"She seems to be getting a blessing in return, but I don't know the details."

So, he was busy expressing his anger by pouring out his disrespect.

"No, then we have to get rid of her even more! If we can find out the origin of black magic, we should kill her right away, right? You ruined it!"


Bellinock shook his head.

"I dedicated my powers to the devil and tried to figure out the origins of black magic... In the meantime, Cessianne cut off her power, so I could not fully give it to the devil."

Lagian recalled that time for a moment.

Suddenly in the middle of nowhere, Cessianne yelled and unilaterally cut off her connection.

"So I only found out that the origin of black magic was in the Smaho Forest, but I don't know what it was."

Bellinock sighed.

"They were aiming for that timing on purpose. To cut off the connection when I hear only the location and don't know what it is... After all, Annabelle is able to recognize it."

"No, what..."

"There is now only one way we can find the origins of black magic."

"No way..."

"Follow Annabelle, because she can recognize it. That's why I stopped you from killing her earlier."

He looked at Laigan and clicked his tongue.

"Anyway, they didn't intend to fight you properly. Annabelle said she has no confidence in herself to beat you."

At those words, Lagian's heart softened slightly.

'You don't have the confidence to win, so you seem to have a rough idea of ​​my own skills. After all, it was a coincidence at the banquet.'

Bellinock glanced at his sword and continued.

"So, stop being angry. They are also perplexed because things didn't go as planned."

"...What plan?"

"They didn't expect us to move so late. Prince Carlon must have figured out something."

"Then, are your thoughts connected with Cessianne even now?"


At Lagian's question, Belinock let out a groan.

"I'm glad it went as planned. Of course, they know that I'm telling you this."


Lagian answered slowly.

Then he sighed and ruffled his hair.

"It's going to be like this after all."

Bellinock shook his head at the sound of his low voice.

"This time, I admit that I fell into that trap... Ah!"

Bellinock's words did not continue.

Lagian, wielding his sword lightly, made Bellinock die instantly.

"Lagian, if something goes wrong and you can't kill Cessianne, kill Bellinock as soon as possible."


"Won't their thoughts be shared? We can't tell them our plans."

"Well... We don't need to tell the High Priest any more?"

"I don't want to leave anything unpleasant."

In fact, this was exactly what Carlon had told Lagian in advance.

If things went wrong, kill Bellinock.

So that the other party did not know the intention of their side any more.


Lagian shook his head as he recalled Carlon's words.

"Because he's a man who doesn't have anyone on his side. Well, that's probably why he came all the way here."

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