Chapter 17- {Close Call}

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After the fight, Jimin has been at the hospital for weeks and doctors still couldn’t say why he won't wake up. Everyone wanted to know when he would open his eyes or if he would even survive that attack. Maybe just maube, a bit of luck came their way. Today, Jimin began to show signs that he might wake up soon. His fingers moved a bit as well as his hand. Then all of a sudden, his eyes slowly began to flutter open.

Out of impulse, Jimin's hand traveled to  his face. He hissed at the throbbing pain from his eye and where he was shot. How long have I been here? What happened after I was knoced out? Who took me to the hospital? Jimin's series of questions was interrupted as a devilishly handsome man, with brown hair and mesmerizing hazel eyes, emerged from the door of my room, with a mobile phone close to his

Jimin then whistled a tune only that particular person would know and hoped that he remembered it. Can you guess who it is? "J-jimin?" A faint sweet voice called out to him. He turned his body around and faced the bed, tears began to stream down his face while a smile of pure happiness appeared. "G-guys he's awake. Hurry up here!" Jungkook said before he hung up the phone and went to Jimin. He carefully sat beside him, not wanting to touch where he have stitches and hugged him gently.

"You're okay! I can't believe it, you scared everyone since you wasn't waking up and they thought you may have went in a coma but thank God they were wrong." Jungkook exclaimed excitedly.

"What happened back there Jungkook?." Jimin asked.

Jungkook sighed and held Jimin's hand and kissed his cheek. He's so grateful that he's finally awake. "Well after the fight. Taehyung and J-hope drove back for you and they saw you on the ground. You had no pulse Jimine...not even a single beat. They saw Jay's decapitated body in the corner and laughed before burning the place down. Then they took you to the hospital and I don't know how but you came back."

This was all sp much information to take in but Jimin was glad that he could see Jungkook once again. He weakly raised his hand up and tucked the loose strands of hair behind Jungkook's ears. How did he ever manage to find someone as beautiful as him? "Stop crying for me now. Tears don't look good on your pretty face my darling." Jungkook smiled and quickly wiped his tears away. Before he could say another word, all of the members finally arrived in the room.

They were elated to see him, he's a strong fighter and that's facts. "Hey are you feeling now?" Namjoon asked as they all sat down on the chairs that were provided. "Well...I lost my life didn't I? The feeling of being alive now is amazing. That's all I could say for now." The only person that could pull jokes about this had to be Jimin you know. "Jimin...that wasn't the only thing you lost?" Taehyung said.

Jin gave him a disappointed look, they were planning to tell him that later on but Taehyung had to go and blurt it out. "Huh? What else did I loose?" Welp, it had no backing out now. "Jungkook go ahead and raise up the covers." Jimin was confused on what they were trying to tell him until he saw stitching by his stomach region. "Yup...that bastard took one of your kidney. The doctors were successful with removing the bullet. Luckily, God gave us a pair."

"What about my eye? Did I loose it?" He asked.

"Nope, but you were dangerously close to. The bullet just scraped the outer skin. You'll just remain with a permanent scar across your face from now and on your stomach." Yoongi replied.

Well, that's better than actually dying right? Jimin may have lost a kidney and would have a permanent scar across his face from now on but he was so thankful that he didn't loose the most precious thing to him. His lovely boyfriend Jeon Jungkook. No one and I repeat, not a soul can come between those boys, it's like they were destined to be together.

~Time skip~

Months passed since that fight occurred and Jimin recovered well. It took him a while to walk again since those kidney removal or implant surgeries hurt a lot. In the long run, it was worth it. "Alright eveyone, that's it for today's meeting, I'll see you soon." Jimin said while packing up his papers before making his way to his room. A few things have changed since his big surgery. For example; Jin applied to make a cook book with all of his amazing recipes.

Namjoon and Yoongi supported him plus with their skills in writing, they helped him to correct any mistakes. Jhope and Taehyung ended up getting married plus, they bought another mansion down the street so everyone would move in there. You know, to give a bit of privacy and they'll only come   for the meetings. For Jimin now, he's gained another bright light in his life.

"Appa!" A cute little girl yelled when she saw Jimin walking in to the room. "Aish Priyanka! Be gentle when hugging appa. You don't want to hurt his cut now don't you sweetie?" Jungkook asked while placing his book down. "Sorry dadda." She apologized then ran off to see her uncles before they leave. "What took you so long with this meeting? Did something bad happen?"

Jungkook asked while walking over to Jimin. "Of course not, the boys and I were just talking about taking a vacation before we do any big events again. Jungkook...I love you so much and I'm so happy that you've agreed to adopt a little girl with me which is now our lovely daughter." Jimin confessed before embracing Jungkook into a hug. Jungkook didn't hesitate and hugged him right back.

They pulled appart and Jungkook cupped Jimin's face, looking at the dreadful scar across his eye. "I hope that bastard burns in hell for what he did to you but i'm so fucking happy that you're ok. I love you so much, I always have but I didn't want to admit it fully." Jimin understood where he was coming from but he's gald that Jungkook had over come his past.

"No matter what happens to us, how hard life gets, I'll always be with you and our little angel. I love you both so much with all of my heart and I'm glad that you found me in that little ally my hero."

The End 🤧❤️.

{𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞} Jikook ☑️ Where stories live. Discover now