Chapter 5- {Stalked}

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As the days went by, Jungkook felt like he was loosing his sanity. Everywhere he goes, even if it is in his own house, he always felt like as if someone watching him. After that encounter with Jimin, Jungkook's life began to go down hill. Like just the other day, he was at the grocery making his normal weekly gathering when suddenly, his eyes caught 2 men dressed in all black following him around.

At first, Jungkook didn't think much of it but they continued to follow him everywhere while talking on their walkie-talkie. Another weird thing is when he's home, it feels like someone's with him. He did install a security feature but that didn't make the cut. Sometimes he'll hear beeping noises, thinking it's probably the camera updating but it does that quite frequently.

If he's with his friends, he'll check the cameras at home and they are all silent, no beeping noises. It seems to him that only when he's present in his house, something weird happens. Today was the day that the school will be reopening for the children after that incident. Jungkook was busy getting ready when he heard muffled sounds coming from downstairs.

"God...I may need to move houses." He thought while carefully making his way downstairs. Standing behind the wall, he peeped his head out and a sigh of relief left his mouth when he saw that it was just the mail man. "Gosh I need to stop being so paranoid. Jimin's long gone, I bet he forgot me by now with his mafia lifestyle." But little did he know, Jimin heard it all.

Once Jungkook got himself ready, he grabbed his bag and out the door he went. Last night he was up pass 2AM, typing up some assignments for his students because he knew that they would forget everything he thought them. Some kids when they get a 2 day off, they tend to forget everything that they have learnt so these assignments may or may not jog their memory.

In the car, Jungkook couldn't help himself to sing when his favorite song came on. His fingers tapped the steering wheel while he sang to a melodic tune. If you listen to his voice, you may think it's the voice of an angel at heaven's gate. Finally, after a short 10 minute drive, Jungkook pulled up into the school's parking lot.

He was greeted by many students before making his way to class. Upon his arrival, Jungkook noticed the same mysterious black van that was parked across from his house last week was in the school's parking lot as well. "Maybe that is a new teacher? It does have a house for sale in my neighborhood so maybe they coincidentally bought it." Jungkook thought while walking into the school building.

As usual, the respectful students of his class greeted him properly while some might just get detention as usual. When he entered the class, the students in the front row seats stood up obediently to greet their teacher while the other slack off students, couldn't care one bit. "Alright...have your seat everyone. Please get out your text book and turn to page 365." He really didn't care if some students wasn't paying attention.

It was to early in the morning for him to start yelling but students need to know that they are just wasting their time. If you don't want to be in school just stay home yea? Get no job and blame it on who? The parents or teachers but they won't blame it on themselves. At the end of the day, it's the teachers that are getting paid to teach and you are there to learn if not, why even go of you're going to be irresponsible and not do work?

Half way through the lesson, Jungkook was calling out notes when suddenly, his phone rang. "Uh- would you all excuse me for one moment. Emily, please continue to call out the notes for me, I'll be right back." Quickly, Jungkook stepped outside and he answered his phone. Jungkook thought that it was probably his sister because they've been talking frequently for the past few days so he didn't pay much attention to the number but it wasn't.

"Missed me baby?" Oh no, it can't be. When Jungkook heard that voice, his body began to shake. "Please just leave me alone Jimin. I don't want anything to do with you." He mumbled but through the phone, he can hear the other laughing like a complete maniac on the other side of the call. "Awh kookie...can't you see? I'm in love with you baby. Just give me a chance and let me make you mine forever."

"In a million years Jimin. No! I don't want to be caught up in your shit life! Killing, guns, violence isn't my cup of tea so stop trying to get me convinced because it isn't going to work!"

"Oh? Since when you act like this mmm? Well then...I'll just have to walk down the halls at school and come to you."

Jungkook's heart dropped to the floor. How does Jimin know where he is? "Stay away from me you killer!" Jungkook whisper yelled before he hung up the phone and began to panic. This isn't good at all. He isn't safe here nor at home because Jimin knows where he is 24/7. Jungkook stormed back into the classroom with fear in his eyes and began to pack up his items almost at the speed of light.

"Sir...are you alright?" A student asked. It was quite unusual for their teacher to act like this and that got them concerned. "Y-yes don't worry kids. Something just came up ok? A substitute will come soon but please don't forget to submit your project next week and do your assignments. Everyone have a good day, b-bye!" After Jungkook got out of his class, he made it to his car.

"Where am I going now...I can't go anywhere because what if I'm being followed?" Jungkook thought. This was incredibly stressful but he got an idea. Maybe when he gets home, he can call the police who does night checks on the streets to supervise his neighborhood for protection. Yea, that sounds like a good idea right? What do you think will happen? Did he make a good choice or will it end another way?

{𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞} Jikook ☑️ Where stories live. Discover now