Chapter Eight - Cliche Thugs?

Start from the beginning

With the tip of her index finger glowing a bit she wrote a simple Norse rune meaning 'reveal' on the map and instantly it changed to an entirely different map.

"'Alleycat Map'" She read aloud in interest. The map was a very detailed route to the Hidden Plaza of Kuoh Town. It seemed to be a place where one could purchase a great deal of various magical items ranging from normal household items to weapons and exotic foods.

(If I take the alley to the left then take a right when I hit the dead end I'll end up in front of a store called "Sis Cross Kiss," what a... unique name...) Since it was the fastest route into the back alleys, Reginleif decided to take this path. If it was a part of Odin's plan then just as she managed to find her way into the back alleys she would find whatever it was he wanted her to find there as well.

Unfortunately Reginleif's bad day seemed like it only wanted to get worse as the moment she entered the alley she found herself surrounded by four adult men wearing strange dog masks and black cloaks.

"H-Huh?!?" She exclaimed in surprise. Based on how quickly they came to her it was likely they had been watching her from the moment she stepped into the shopping district.

"To think we'd find a Valkyrie in training here of all places, Lord Lucifer was right!" One of them exclaimed.

"Tsk!" Reginleif quickly lifted her hand to write another rune in the air but instantly found herself grabbed from behind by one of the men, her hands restrained behind her back with strange purple energy in the shape of handcuffs.

"UGH!" She found herself collapsed to the floor her energy draining from her body as it was eaten up by her restraints ruthlessly.

(What kind of magic is this?)

Slowly one of the men pushes her over with his foot so that she's laying on her back instead of her front and begins inspecting her.

"So what do you think?" One of them asks.

"Well the fact that she's a Valkyrie in training is more than enough to earn quite a bit of money, but she's not even bad looking." The man who answers puts a hand on his chin, "The costs and prices of these sorts of things tend to fluctuate a lot so we'll just have to ask Lord Lucifer."

(What are they planning to do? I have to escape, but how-) As she was just about to begin trying in desperation to come up with some kind of escape plan she was shocked as white feathers began falling around them.

"The hell?" One of them reach out catching a feather in their hand but it burns them instantly forcing them to let go, "Guys we've got an Ange-"

He didn't get to finish his words as a shadow fell onto him with such force his body was instantly embedded into the ground and his consciousness was lost, surprising all of the other mask wearing Devils as they stepped back in fright.

"W-What! Why would an Angel be here?"

"I don't know! Just draw your weapon already!"

"I'm out!" One of the Devils instead of drawing replica demon swords like his two companions turned tail and attempted to run only to find his leg bound by a whip.

"Eh?" Was the only word he could let out before his entire body was slammed into a wall where it stayed twitching like a bug.

"..." The two Devils looked at one another then looked at the cloud of dust that was clearing from the Angels flashy entrance, their grips on their swords tightening.

The dust settled and what they saw was a child with white hair and yellow eyes staring at them with a lollipop in her mouth and several stickers on her dress.

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