Chapter 45

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Everything had changed.

Coin and Snow were dead. The country was in shambles, but things were being sorted out. They'll vote for a new leader eventually. For now, the District leaders will work together. Plutarch seemed confident that when it came time to vote, Paylor would be elected. She would make a good leader.

Plutarch didn't appear shocked after Katniss killed Coin. If anything, he seemed like he expected Katniss to kill her. It wouldn't surprise Carson if he had a hunch. He always believed in Katniss.

Carson was pleased with how everything turned out. Coin was dead. Snow was dead. There wouldn't be a symbolic Hunger Games. All the District leaders immediately shelved that idea. It was barbaric.

For the first time, Carson had faith that things would actually change. The past wouldn't repeat itself. Real change seemed achievable. The only problem was Katniss. After murdering Coin on live television, her fate seemed sealed.

Luckily, Plutarch was well respected. He informed the other Victors that nothing would happen to Katniss. The following day, she returned to District 12 with Haymitch.

They weren't allowed to see her. They didn't get to say goodbye. It hurt Carson, but she had never been a fan of goodbyes. She found some peace knowing Katniss would be okay. That she wouldn't be executed.

A few days later, it was decided that since the war was over, the Victors were free to leave and return to their Districts. There was no need for them anymore. Peeta had to stay. He still wasn't himself. Beetee seemed content with staying in the Capitol, believing his skills would be useful.

Carson, however, felt conflicted. She wanted more than anything to return home to District 10, but she didn't want to leave Pollux. Already, Plutarch made it clear that Pollux and Cressida were still needed. The war was over, but rebuilding had only just started. Their skills were still required.

The others seemed content returning home. Johanna and Enobaria had no desire to stay in the Capitol. Annie felt the same way. She wanted to return to her home in District 4 and do what she could there. Eventually, they would leave one by one. Carson doubted she would see some of them again.

Days went by after the grant of leave. Still, they never spoke about leaving. Pollux had thrown himself into filming, desperate to hang onto the last piece of Castor he had. In his absence, Carson read. She was desperate to hang onto a part of Charlie. They were both coping in negative ways. 

The war was over, but the loss still remained.

Carson remained in the mansion with the other Victors, who had yet to leave. They took it slow. Paylor didn't rush them. She understood the burden many of them carried. She also knew that most of them were the reason the war had been won. It was their choice to leave or stay. If they stayed, she happily agreed to find them a job wherever they wanted.

The first to leave who Enobaria, not that Carson cared.

Four days later, Johanna left.

Five days after, Beetee was transferred to a different part of the Capitol.

Approaching the third week after Coin's death, Annie learned that she was pregnant. It was hard for her to learn that she was carrying a part of Finnick inside of her. But soon, she was excited. It gave her a new purpose in life.

Annie didn't want to spend her days in the Capitol anymore. She decided it was time to leave, to go home. But she didn't want to go alone. Annie asked Carson to come with her. To stay with her as she sorted things out back at home. Annie didn't need her to stay the entire pregnancy. Only until she found a few doctors, ensuring she would be okay.

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