Chapter 37

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The sewers were the safest option. Carson knew that. She also knew it wasn't going to be easy for Pollux. He spent five years down here. "My brother knows these tunnels well," Castor explained to the group. It was dark inside the tunnel. "He worked sanitation down here." Carson gripped her sword tightly at the idea of Pollux being trapped down here. "Right after they made him an Avox." Her attention remained on Pollux, who was clearly terrified. The Capitol wasn't kind to Avox's. It broke her heart. Before she could approach him, Castor did. "Hey, hey." Pollux was struggling. "Are you going to be okay?" Carson watched them sadly. "Hey, look at me." He didn't. "Look at me." Finally, Pollux looked at him. "We're going to get through this. I promise."

Pollux took a moment to gather himself. "Fine," he signed with shaking hands.

Pollux walked forward. Her eyes locked with Castor, who faintly nodded. Carson took that as her sign to approach. "Hey." She gently rested her hand on his shoulder. "Breathe. You're okay." Pollux glanced at her, tears in his eyes. "I'm right here."

"Took us five years to buy his way out of here," Castor explained to Katniss behind them. "He didn't see the sun once."

Carson flinched at his words. They unknowingly echoed down the corridor. "Right here."

"Right here," Pollux signed weakly.

"Yeah," she promised him. Carson wasn't going to leave him. That seemed to be what Pollux needed. He waved to the others, gesturing them to follow.

It went silent after that. They began following Pollux through the tunnels. Katniss used the Holo to scan for pods, but luckily it never alerted to anything. All of the pods were above ground. They moved swiftly without the risk of threats.

They were traveling faster now, making excellent time. Every step brought them closer to the City Circle. Once they were there, they would come up with a plan.

Around four hours into their walk, they heard a train approaching. They were becoming more common the closer they got. The group rushed forward, hiding behind a wall. The train passed by seconds later.

Once it was gone, Katniss lifted the Holo. It still didn't show any pods. "We're too exposed here." Anyone could see them.

Pollux thought carefully, trying to figure out what to do. Finally, he raised his arm, ushering them forward. The group followed, running down the tracks after the Avox. He stopped at a door. Pollux paused before he opened it. Then they entered one at a time.

Once everyone was safely inside the room, Pollux led them to a ladder. It would bring them deeper into the sewers. There was no time to process what they were doing. She was simply moving with the group.

One by one, they climbed down the ladder. Carson couldn't help but worry about Pollux. They were going further underground. "Are you okay," she signed, not wanting to draw too much attention.

Pollux hesitated but nodded. "I'm okay."

Carson didn't believe him, but she couldn't argue. Squeezing his hand, she began climbing down the ladder. The smell hit her first. It was awful, causing her eyes to burn. The sewers were large. The ceiling was at least forty feet above them. It was different than what she had imagined. Somehow, they're worse.

"It's clear," Katniss informed them.

They started walking again. Pollux stayed near the front with Katniss. Carson's eyes flickered between him and her surroundings. "Hey," Finnick whispered as he materialized beside her.


"You okay?"

She shrugged, "I don't like it down here."

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