Chapter 27

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Training the film team was the best idea President Coin had because Carson got to spend time with Pollux. She enjoyed her time around him. Being near him made her feel safe. All of the others worries that the world brought on didn't matter as much. It still scared her, caring for someone that deeply, but she knew it was worth it.

Finnick was teaching Castor and Cressida basic defense skills. The blonde girl seemed to be understanding better than him. Messalla and Pollux were training with guns. Carson was teaching them. It wasn't their first time with a weapon, but they weren't the best. Using guns was not a task mastered in a day. It took time.

"Keep your hand like this." Carson's hand moved on top of Pollux's. She gently moved his fingers. "Both eyes open. Just focus on your breathing." Her lips were inches from his ear. The man blushed, blinking a few times. His posture became unsteady. "Don't be nervous." Carson tried to fight her smile. "You can do this." Pollux nodded a few too many times. She stepped back, allowing him to shoot. He did, but his aim was worse than before. That only added to the growing redness in his cheeks. Pollux sighed, setting the gun down. "Practice makes perfect."

"I don't know what I'm doing," he signed. "Can't I just film?"

Carson sighed, "no. What if something happens? You need to be prepared."

"Nothing will happen," Pollux waved her off. "And if it does, I'll have you."

She wanted to smile but couldn't. His words were sweet, but there was a very real possibility that she wasn't with him, or worse, she wasn't alive. Katniss wouldn't be joining the war, but eventually, Carson would. Her abilities were too valuable to waste.

Carson knew that soon, once Coin was closer to taking Panem, she would be sent in. "But I might not always be there."

That confused Pollux. "Why wouldn't you be there?"

"Pollux," she began. "You know why." The taller man looked around the room. Noticing that everyone was busy, he grabbed her arm and pulled her off to the side, wanting to talk more privately. "What are you doing?"

He ignored her question. "What do you mean you won't be there? Did you get orders somewhere else?"

"No," Carson responded. "No, I just meant-" she paused, trying to find the right words. "I meant that we might be split up or sent to different areas."

Pollux noticed the way she averted her eyes. It was a lie. "No, no." He knew better. "What did you mean?"

There was no point in arguing. "Pollux, this is war. Anything can happen."

He stepped back as if the words had just slapped him across the face. "Do you really think you won't make it out of this?"

"I'm not naive." This was war. Anything could happen. "I don't care what happens to me. I'm worried about you, which is why we need to focus on the training." Carson went to turn away, but he caught her hand again. "Pollux-"

"Don't say that," he signed quickly. "Don't say that."

Carson stared at him, noticing the fear in his eyes. "Okay," she whispered. "Okay, I'm sorry." Sometimes, she forgot that others cared for her. Words affected people. Hearing that a person you care for is okay with dying wasn't easy, but Carson had accepted her role in life long ago. Deep down, she always knew that a long and happy life wasn't in the cards for her. All that mattered was that Charlie got that life.

"You," he tapped her chest. "Are going to live. Okay?" It was a demand, a plea. It was so many things, but most important, it was a necessity. Pollux needed her to live. Not only for himself but for others.

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