Chapter 43

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Carson sat on the window ledge. Pollux and Cressida sat at a small table nearby. After the scare Carson gave them yesterday, they were unwilling to leave her side for long. It wasn't that they didn't trust her, but they didn't. After everything happened, they couldn't afford to lose anyone else.

Pollux glanced at her every few minutes. He was still struggling with what happened to his brother but was handling it better than Carson. It didn't help that she experienced the horrors of the explosions herself. She watched Charlie die, along with hundreds of children.

Coin had killed Charlie, but Carson couldn't do anything about it. The world needed a leader. Unfortunately, Coin could be a good one. She wanted to better Panem, end the games, and end poverty in the Districts. That was what mattered most.

A knock at the door disturbed them. The three looked up as an unknown man entered the room. "Hello," he greeted them. "Madame Coin has requested your presence in the dining room." Carson held back from rolling her eyes. Meeting with Coin after learning what she did made her sick.

"Great," Cressida muttered as she stood up. "This isn't going to go well."

Pollux and Carson stood up as well. "I think you've mistaken," the man said. "Madame Coin has only requested the Victors."

"Of course she did," Cressida mumbled under her breath. "Guess we served our purpose." Coin had paid very little attention to the film team since they returned. Her priorities were elsewhere. "She'll be out in a minute." The man nodded before stepping out of the room. "Are you going to be okay?" Cressida bit her lip, nervously fiddling with her fingers.

"I'll be fine," Carson spoke, but she was apprehensive. Seeing Coin could spark her anger. "Katniss will be there too, right? She wants all the Victors."

"I wonder what for." They had no idea, but she would soon find out.

"I guess I'll find out." Before Carson could move, Pollux stepped in front of her. He held out his hand. "What?"

"Do you have any weapons?"

An amused smile appeared on her face. "Really? You don't trust me?" Pollux wiggled his fingers. Carson sighed as she slipped her hand into her pocket, pulling out a pocket knife. "Happy now?"

Pollux twirled the knife in his hand before setting it on the table. "Are you sure you're going to be okay?" He was worried she would try something that would result in her being executed. Coin had killed Charlie.

"I'll be fine," she promised. "I'll come back right after, okay? Tell you all about it." Carson knew that wasn't enough. "I'll be back in a minute." Quickly, she kissed his cheek. Slipping past him, she walked out of the room.


The meeting was for Victor's only. It felt odd to be in a room with the others. Annie was there, stuck to her side like glue. Enobaria was also there. The only surviving Career. Haymitch, Beetee, and Peeta were there as well. Johanna inspects the room, studying the different artifacts.

Suddenly, the door opened. Katniss strolled in. She was the last Victor. "What is this?" None of them were sure what was going on.

"The remaining Victors," Coin smiled. "Join us." There was a seat for all of them. Carson made sure Annie was sitting before taking a spot beside her. On her left was Peeta. They hadn't spoken since leaving Tigris's.

Her foot nervously tapped against the ground. Looking at Coin after learning what she had done was almost impossible. "I have invited you all here for several different reasons." Carson kept her eyes down. She could feel Katniss looking at her but couldn't meet her gaze. "But first, I have an announcement." Nobody spoke. "I have taken both the burden and the honor of declaring myself Interim President of Panem."

Haymitch scoffed. "Interim?" He was undoubtedly dissatisfied with the news. "And how long is that supposed to last?"

"We have no way of knowing for sure." Carson didn't believe Coin. "Obviously, everyone is far too emotional right now to make a rational decision." They were promised a free election. Coin was already going against her word. "We will plan an election at the right time, but I have called you all here for a far more important vote." Carson crossed her arms, wanting nothing more than to leave. "A symbolic vote." That confused her. What was Coin talking about? "This afternoon, we will execute Snow." That was what everyone wanted. Once Snow died, they could move forward and begin rebuilding. "Hundreds more of his accomplices also await their deaths. Capitol officials, tortures, Peacekeepers, Gamemakers." She paused, "the problem is. Once we begin, the Rebels will not stop calling for vindication. The thirst for blood is a difficult urge to satisfy." Carson finally looked at Katniss. "I offer an alternative plan. The majority of four may approve. No one will abstain. The proposal is this." Coin paused again for effect. "In place of barbaric executions, we hold a symbolic Hunger Games."

Carson was shocked at the suggestion. It was insane. Johanna started laughing. "You want to have a Hunger Games with the Capitol's children?"

"Are you joking," Peeta questioned.

"Not in the slightest."

Carson leaned back in her seat. It was then she realized how lost Coin had become. She wasn't a leader, not anymore. She had no morals or boundaries. "Have you actually lost your mind?" Annie slapped her leg under the table. Coin sent Carson a displeased look.

"Is this Plutarch's idea?" Haymitch changed the topic.

Coin glanced at Haymitch. "It was mine." Carson bit her lip, drawing blood. "It balances the need for vindication with the least lives lost." Carson scoffed, shaking her head at the idea. It was insane. If they had another Hunger Games, nothing would have changed. "You can vote yes or no-"

"No," Peeta snapped. "This is obviously crazy."

Johanna sat up straighter, resting her elbows on the table. "I think it's fair. Snow has a granddaughter. I vote yes."

"So do I," Enobaria agreed. "Let them have a taste of it."

Carson rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "That way of thinking started the uprisings," Peeta argued.

"I vote no," Annie said. "With Peeta. If Finnick were here, he would too."

"Well, he isn't," Johanna snapped. "Snow killed him." The mention of Finnick was still too hard.

"No," Beetee voted. "We have to stop viewing each other as enemies."

There were three of them left. "Suggesting something so stupid goes to show how care-"

"Carson," Annie cut her off. She gave her a pointed look. It wasn't worth fighting about, not with Coin.

"I'm not participating in this," Carson responded. If she voted, then she was a participant in what would happen. "It's barbaric and messed up."

"Fine." Coin looked away. She had lost patience with the girl long ago. "Haymitch, Katniss. It's down to you."

Carson assumed both would say no, but they didn't. "I get to kill Snow." It wasn't a question. Katniss wanted to be the one to kill Snow.

"I expected nothing else."

That was enough for Katniss. "Then I vote yes, for Prim." Nobody was expecting Katniss to agree. It didn't seem like her, but the death of Prim had changed her, it seemed.

"Haymitch?" He was the last vote.

"I'm with the Mockingjay." Carson closed her eyes. The decision had been made.

"That carries the vote. Good." Coin was satisfied. "We will announce the games at the execution tonight." Carson stared at Katniss, unable to figure out why she agreed, but something told her to have faith. She had been by Katniss's side since the start. She couldn't doubt her now. "Thank you all for meeting me here." Without saying a word, Carson walked out the door.

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