Chapter 33

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Carson followed Finnick toward the tent. He had stepped away from the others for an unknown reason. As they approached the group, her eyes instantly found Katniss. She noticed them at the same time. "Finnick? Carson?" Finnick smirked, pulling his trident out from behind his back. "Are you guys with us?"

"It looks like it."

"That was a short honeymoon." They embraced each other in a hug.

"Yeah, well," Finnick spoke. Katniss moved away from him and hugged Carson. "I guess we'll have one in the Capitol after we take it."

"Gather round," Boggs didn't want to waste any time. He walked into the area with Pollux, Cressida, Castor, and Messalla. Carson moved closer, standing beside Katniss. "Squad 451, you are now my unit." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Lieutenant Jackson is my second in command." Boggs had mentioned her. It was nice to put a face to the name. "Each of you is elite in some sort of combat, but we are a non-combat unit. We will follow days behind the front lines." Carson's interest was captured instantly. They wouldn't be joining the war. A part of her was relieved. The other wasn't sure how she felt.

"You are to be the on-screen faces of the invasion," Cressida said. Carson wasn't aware she knew the plan. That meant Pollux did as well. "The Star Squad." It was a silly name, but it was fitting. She knew Coin came up with it. "You are most useful when seen by the masses."

"So, we won't be fighting?" Gale wanted to be clear about their mission.

"You'll do whatever you're ordered to do, Soldier," Boggs's tone was sharp. Carson bit her lip, fighting her smile. "It's not your job to ask questions."

"Yes, sir." Gale looked down.

"Our instructions are to record propaganda footage on the battle-scarred streets of the Capitol. You were all hand-picked to intimidate their forces."

Cressida added, "and encourage surrenders."

"We will be working on abandoned streets behind the front lines. I promise you that wherever they put us will not be entirely safe." Carson's eyes flickered to Pollux. "This is a war zone. We will likely encounter active pods and Peacekeepers." Boggs explained pods on the hovercraft. They were traps. Each was different but incredibly deadly. "You are deemed high-value targets to the Capitol." Everyone was a target, but not as much as the three Victors. Katniss was the most valuable, but Finnick and Carson were next in line. President Snow wanted to kill them at the earliest opportunity. That meant every Peacekeeper who saw them would go after them. "In the event of capture, you'll be given a nightlock pill. A poison that acts immediately." Boggs handed the box to Lieutenant Jackson. "Lieutenant Jackson will do the honors." The dark-haired woman began handing them out.

"I have already briefed you about the pods." Carson took the pill. It was large and black. "These devices are on every block. We have been given a Holo." He sets the object on a stack of plastic bins. "A device that contains a detailed map of the Capitol with every known pod." A hologram appeared, displaying the map and pods. There were hundreds of them. "They can trigger anything from bombs to traps to mutts." It didn't sound easy. Nothing about their journey would be easy. Carson stared at Katniss, noticing her conflicted expression. Katniss didn't join the war to stand behind and record footage. She had a different agenda. "We can not go anywhere without this device. There also isn't any guarantee that this map is complete. There could be new pods that we are not yet aware of. Because we don't want the Gamemakers to know we have this, it has a self-destruct. Flip this switch," he pointed at the switch. "And say nightlock three times. It will blow itself up and anything in a ten-foot radius." Carson tried to remember everything. "Stay within the unit. Even with the Holo, there is a chance new pods have been set. They are meant to kill you."

"Ladies and gentleman," Finnick spoke under his breath. "Welcome to the 76th Hunger Games."


As they prepared to head out, Carson found herself slipping through the bodies. She met everyone else. There was Homes, who she knew, the Leeg sisters, and Mitchell. During introductions, her eyes studied Katniss. It took Carson longer than it should have to figure out her plan. She was going after Snow. Her hatred for the man would make her reckless. 

"So," she threw open the flap to the tent. Katniss jumped, not having expected her. "What's your plan?"

"Excuse me?" She didn't understand.

"For getting to Snow. What's your plan?" Carson crossed her arms, tilting her head to the side. "You do have one, right?"

"How do you-"

"Please, you're a creature of habit. And you're slightly predictable." Katniss smiled faintly at her blunt words. "Besides, it's what I would do if I were you." She stepped into the room fully, letting the flap close beside her. "I want to help."


"No offense, but you kind of need me."

Katniss huffed but didn't disagree. Carson was the best of the best. "What about Boggs? Pollux?"

"What about them?" They wouldn't be coming. It was safer for them to stay away. "I know you want to do this on your own, but I can help." Carson wanted to help. She made a vow to keep Katniss alive. "Besides, I also have a very strong desire to see the man dead."

Katniss recalled the story about her family. Carson had just as much of a reason to go after Snow. "I need the Holo." They wouldn't get far without it.

"Agreed, but Boggs won't willingly hand it over."

"Well, I wasn't exactly going to ask him for it." Carson smirked, putting her hands on her hips. "So, what would you do?" Katniss wanted to know her plan. She had come up with some half-decent ideas with Gale, but Carson was more experienced in the field. She knew strategy better than anyone.

"I'd wait until we're halfway through, let the group get us as close to the Capitol as possible before we take the Holo and leave them stranded. Have enough food packed for at least three days." Carson thought carefully. "Snow's not stupid. He won't leave his home. Mansion will be hard to get into. It would be a major risk. I'd go for the gardens or risk a long shot. Personally, I'd go for the explosive arrow. If you miss, at least you got him in a different way." Katniss opened her mouth, but no words came out. The plan was incredibly thought out for something she came up with on the spot. "No?"

"No, no," Katniss stood up. "I mean, that's perfect." It was impressive. Carson was proud of herself. "Are you sure about this? You're going against Coin."

"I've never really liked her anyway." That was true. "I'm serious. I want to help you kill Snow." Carson had been dreaming about his death since he killed her family. "No matter the cost." Katniss's eyes momentarily flickered to the Mockingjay pin on her jacket. The gold stood out against her black jacket.

Katniss went to say something, but the flap was opened. "Come on," Lieutenant Jackson spoke. "It's time to go."

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