Chapter 16

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Every bomb that hit caused a new wave of gasps. Carson had her arms wrapped around her sister, soothingly rubbing her back. She wanted to make her feel safe in these uncertain circumstances. The bunker should support them, but there was no telling how long it would hold.

The building shakes again, causing the lights to flicker. Carson takes a shaky breath. She always hated the dark. It held uncertainty and fear. There was no telling what dangers were around when it's dark. Across from her are Pollux and Castor. They have the bunk closest to her. The bunk beside her belongs to Messalla and Cressida. Three bunks to her right is Katniss and her family. They're all in a relatively close area. Finnick is on the other side of Charlie, his head buried in his hands.

There's another explosion. This time, the power goes out. For a moment, it's entirely dark. Carson's entire body freezes with fear. She can't see anything. The moment doesn't last long. Soon, everyone is turning on their emergency flashlights.

The explosions continue to happen. "Carson," Charlie whispers. She's terrified. "I miss District 10. I miss home."

Carson looked down at her sister, a sad smile on her face. "I know. Me too." Another explosion. This time, Charlie gripped her tighter. She wanted to go home more than anything, and so did Carson.


There was no telling how long they would be in the bunker. It had been a few hours, but it didn't appear like they would be leaving anytime soon. The bombings had stopped after an hour. Carson was thankful for that, but it wasn't safe to leave yet. She assumed there were Capitol hovercrafts still within range, waiting for an opportunity.

Her eyes traveled to Charlie, who was sitting on Cressida's bed. The blonde woman was showing different things on her camera. Every now and then, Charlie would giggle like a schoolgirl. Carson always smiled. It was nice to hear her laughing. Charlie seemed to really like Cressida, which was a good thing. In Charlie's hand is a new book. This one has a green cover. It's clear where she got it from.

It was then that she felt a pair of eyes on her. She glanced to her side to see Pollux. In his hand is a larger notebook. It's not the one he uses to communicate with her. It's the same notebook he hid behind his back the night she found him sitting alone on the ledge. Part of her wants to ask about it. 

Suddenly, the flashlight by her head starts to flicker. The light is dying. "Shit." She grabs the device, but it's dead. It's darker in the corner of her bunk now. She hates the dark. A hand taps her shoulder. She glances at the source. It's Pollux. He's holding out his light. "Thank you." Turning it on, she hooks it beside the old one. Pollux knows that Carson hates the dark. He wants to help. Castor, who had been sitting beside him the entire time, remains quiet.

"You're welcome," he signs to her. She understands. A silence settles over them. Pollux reopens his notebook, sticking a spare pencil in his mouth.


Charlie's asleep, her head resting on Carson's lap. Finnick's curled into a ball on the same bed. His lips parted as soft snores pass through them. It was silent in the bunker. Most people had decided to sleep. There was no telling what time it was anymore.

Her attention shifts to Pollux as he signs to his brother. "I don't have any more water, sorry."

Castor waves his hand. Carson reaches into her bag and pulls out a water bottle. "Here." She sticks out the bottle. "You can have mine."

"Thanks." Castor takes the bottle. It takes him approximately twelve seconds to realize she understood what Pollux signed. "Wait." It clicks in Pollux's mind as well. "You understood that?"

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