Chapter 30

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Carson knocked on the already open door to Katniss's room. The Mockingjay looked up at the sound. "Hey," she greeted. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah," Katniss nodded. "I've been waiting for you."

She assumed Prim had told her she would be stopping by. Katniss finished tying her boots. "Going somewhere?"

"We are."

Carson didn't understand. "Okay, where are we going?"




She blinked a few times. "Wait, really?" Carson didn't realize that was possible. Coin never let anyone leave.

"I can hunt as long as I'm not alone." Katniss walked toward her. "Which I won't be." Carson smiled in return. "We can stop by the equipment room on the way."

"Gym's closer. They're holding weapons there while the film team trains."

Katniss squinted. It was obvious she had questions, but in the end, she didn't ask them. "Okay." Silently, the two walked out of the room and down the hall.

The only time that Carson left was when Coin sent her somewhere. It was never for pleasure. It was always strictly business. Now, she was going to venture outside. Words could not explain how she felt. Giddy would come close. Carson felt like a child, but she had been underground for so long. Fresh air would do her good.

They arrived at the gym together. The film team was there early, to her surprise. Finnick was in the center with Castor and Cressida. Upon entering, they all looked up. "Hey," Cressida greeted them. It was odd to see the two together. "What are you guys doing?"

"We're going hunting," Katniss said as she searched the gym for her bow. It wasn't hard to find.

"Hunting," Finnick questioned. "Outside?"

"Yeah," Carson responded. "I'll be back soon. I'll try to make the end of training." Finnick waved his hand. He wasn't worried about her missing training. He could easily handle it.

She went to grab her signature weapon but hesitated. "You think a sword is too much?"

Katniss gazed at her over her shoulder. "Probably." It wasn't ideal for hunting. "Are you any good with a bow?"

The girl shrugged. "Good day to find out." Katniss laughed, grabbing a second bow off the stand. Before Carson could approach her, someone grabbed her hand. It was Pollux. His eyes were full of concern. "What is it?"

"You're going above ground," he signed. "It could be dangerous."

She offered him a comforting smile. "I'll be fine, okay?" He wasn't sure he believed her. "Hey," she whispered. "I'll be back in an hour. If I'm not back before the end of training, just wait in my room or something." Whatever eased his fears. Carson didn't see the issue. Nothing would happen.

Katniss watched the two for a moment, unsure of what was happening. "You ready?"

"Yeah." Carson squeezed Pollux's hand before pulling away. Taking the bow from Katniss, she followed her out of the room, but not without taking one last look at Pollux, who was watching her closely.


The weather was perfect. It wasn't warm, but it wasn't cold either. She breathed in, relaxing her muscles as the two walked through the woods. It was entirely silent. It was peaceful, perfect. The sun was shining. The sky was blue. It smelled like wet soil and fresh pine.

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