Chapter 28

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"Nice hair," were the first words that Castor said to Pollux when he entered their shared living quarters. There was a laugh mixed in with his words. Castor had only ever seen his hair in two styles, down or in a bun. This was something entirely new, and he instantly knew the cause. "You look very beautiful."

Pollux glared at his brother. "What are you doing here?" He signed.

"I live here," Castor said.

"Are you staying?"

Castor noticed that his brother was anxious. "Why? You have a hot date or something?" Comically, there was a knock on the door. His eyes locked with Pollux, noticing the momentary fear. Then it clicked in his mind. It was Carson at the door. "You do!" Before Pollux could move, Castor was opening the door. "Carson, what a surprise. What are you doing here?"

"Hey," she greeted him warmly. It was a stark contrast to how she used to greet him. She was kinder now, more open. When they first met, he thought she was scary. Although, Castor did still think that, but now that was something he liked about her. "I came to see Pollux, and also, I'm dropping off some old books from Charlie."

Her eyes flickered to Pollux, and her smile brightened. "Please, come in. I was just leaving. I need to find," he paused. "Cressida. Yeah, Cressida."

"Uh, okay." Carson was confused by his attitude. Castor winked at Pollux, slipping out the door. "That was kind of odd."

Pollux shrugged. "You'll get used to it."

She laughed loudly, shaking her head. There was a brief pause. "Oh, I brought books." Carson went toward the table and set them down. "Charlie says thank you. She loves them. You're kind of her favorite person in the world."

She turned around to face Pollux. "For now. I am almost out of books."

"She'll reread, trust me." Charlie liked new books but never complained when she had to read something old. There were only so many books around. "Where did you get them from anyway?"

"Castor," Pollux explained. "Surprisingly, he's a huge book nerd." He sat on the bottom bunk, patting the spot beside him. Carson knew what he wanted. Silently, she sat down beside him, crossing her legs as she leaned against the wall.

"Really? I would never have guessed."

Pollux laughed, "he wasn't always. I think he needed something to do to calm his mind in the Capitol." Pollux glanced at her, eyes seemingly brightening. Carson wasn't sure what caught his interest so suddenly. "Wait," Pollux frantically signed. "Stay right there. Don't move." Carson watched him curiously. He reached under the bed and pulled something out. It was his notebook. He began flipping through the pages.

"What are you doing?"

"Drawing you," he signed badly due to the book in his hand.

Carson didn't understand. "Why?"

"Because you look beautiful." He signed as if it was obvious. Carson blinked a few times, entirely shocked by his words. There was never any doubt when he said such kind things to her. He always meant them. "Now, stay still." Pollux began drawing in his book.

Carson bit her lip but did exactly as told. She watched him, being able to openly since there wasn't much else for her to do. Pollux's hair was braided, a few strands falling out throughout the day. His lips were pouted as he concentrated, something she had noticed before but never commented on. It was cute. Pollux was cute. Pollux glanced at her every few seconds. The intensity was not missed by her. His eyes studied her, admiring her in the dim light under the bunk bed.

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