Chapter 34

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Crossing the dam into the Capitol was the easiest part of the journey. The Capitol could be seen across the water. The explosions could be heard even from a distance.

The buildings were being blown up. Fires caused them to crumble and burn. They were miles behind the front lines, but the war was still within sight. When they arrived in the Capitol, they found what remained. Traces of the war.

They traveled through the night, resting for a few hours before continuing. Katniss never spoke to Carson about their plan, but every now and then, their eyes would lock. They were going after Snow. Nothing had changed. Carson realized Gale knew about the plan as well. She wasn't his biggest fan, but they needed all the help they could get.

The only problem Carson knew they would have was the Holo. They needed it. They wouldn't make it far without it. The pods would kill them.

Suddenly, a shoulder nudged hers. Carson glanced at Pollux. "You've been quiet." They hadn't spoken to each other since the wedding. Pollux was relieved when he heard Carson was no longer being sent to join the front lines. He expected her to feel the same, but she just looked disappointed.

"Sorry." Carson forced herself to keep her mind clear. She couldn't think about how Pollux would feel when she left him behind to join the Mockingjay on a kill mission. It would destroy him. "I just have a lot on my mind." The Holo emitted a steady beeping noise. After listening to it for hours, it faded to the background.

The sun was high in the sky, but it was cold. The jacket she wore provided a significant amount of warmth. Luckily, it was part of the uniform. She matched Katniss for a reason. It was no secret they looked incredibly similar. If they were to encounter any threats, she could be mistaken for the Mockingjay. They might go after her instead, sparring Katniss.

"Want to talk about it?"

Carson shrugged, not sure talking was the best idea. "I just wish you weren't here." He faked a look of hurt. It made her smile, which was his goal. "Not like that. I just meant I wish you were back in District 13." It was safe there. They stared at each other for a moment. "They really should redo your outfit."

"Why?" Pollux glanced down at his clothes.

"You still look like a bug."

Pollux went to sign something but never had the chance. "I've never seen this place so empty," Cressida said. The area was entirely deserted. Everyone had either fled or was pushed forward by the war.

"Just keep your eyes open." Boggs was leading the team with the Holo. The film team continued to record as they walked. The paved roads of the Capitol were gone. It was rubble now. Buildings were missing windows. Fires had died out.

The silence returned as they marched through the empty streets. Carson held her sword tightly, listening to the beeping of the Holo. It soothed her.

A moment later, it started beeping rapidly. That was an indication that there was a pod ahead. They had yet to encounter any. Boggs raised his arm, stopping the group. "There's a pod. Let's take cover." They followed his lead toward a golden statue that they huddled around. "Shoot through those two buildings."

Katniss moved to the directed spot. "Pollux," Cressida set up the scene. "Right here." She pointed to a spot in front of Katniss. "Castor." He went to the other side. "Good." Cressida walked down a few steps, kneeling beside Katniss. Carson dropped to the ground with the others, keeping herself in view of the camera with Finnick. The Victors needed to be seen as much as possible. Katniss grabbed an arrow. "Whenever you're ready, Katniss." The girl lifted her bow. "Hold." That messed up her concentration. "Closer." Cressida wanted to record it perfectly. They could only do it once. Katniss rolled her shoulders. Pointing the arrow between the two buildings, she let go. Fire surged from the building. If someone had been there, they would have been killed instantly. The flames would have swallowed them.

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