Chapter 44

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A few hours after Coin's meeting, the execution of Snow is planned to take place. Katniss will end the war by killing Snow publicly. The prep team started preparing everyone immediately. Carson barely had time to see Pollux after the meeting before a team pulled her away and prepared her wardrobe.

The entire time, she felt as if she was back in the games. Being prepared for interviews that she didn't want to be a part of. Carson kept her mouth shut the entire time. She watched as they did her hair and makeup, painted her nails, and dressed her in clothes she wouldn't normally wear.

Carson smoothed out her dress, feeling silly for dressing up for an execution. It felt wrong.

Carson took a deep breath, calming her mind. Her hands were shaking. The war was over, but it seemed her problems weren't. There Hunger Games were not over. The Capitol would have to endure the same fate as the Districts did.

It was wrong. The past was repeating itself.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. Believing it was her stylist, she spoke loudly. "Come in." The door opened. In the mirror, she saw Pollux's head peak in. "Pollux." Seeing him was a pleasant surprise. He wasn't supposed to be here. Coin wanted him and Cressida to record everything. They should be outside setting up. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be outside?"

"Yeah," Pollux signed. "I wanted to check on your first." She smiled faintly, her lips painted red. "You look incredibly beautiful." The dress she wore was black, ending at her calf. It was form fitting to her waist before going outward. It was covered in black crystals that went down the sleeves. There was a diamond cut on her chest. It was odd but not the ugliest dress she had ever worn.

"I'm dressing up for an execution. It doesn't feel right." Everything about the situation felt wrong. It wasn't because Snow was going to die. She had been waiting for his death. What scared her was Coin. She had proven to be just as reckless as Snow, if not worse. "You look good." He was wearing leather. His nails were painted black, and his hair was pulled into a slick bun. "I like the leather."

He blushed, dismissing her. "Are you okay?"

"I just want it to be over."

"It will be," Pollux promised.

"Will it?" She blinked away her tears. Her stylist would be furious if she messed up his makeup. "Coin's insane." The idea of having a symbolic Hunger Games was psychotic. "A symbolic Hunger Games? It's-" Pollux grabbed her hands, stopping her. Carson stared at him. He took a deep breath, and she did the same. "Sorry."

"It's okay," he signed. "We'll figure that out later. One thing at a time."

"One thing at a time," she repeated. "What would I do without you?"

He pretended to think. "Probably be executed from attempted murder." Carson playfully rolled her eyes. "Go out there. Smile for the cameras, and be brave."

"I'm not feeling very brave right now." In fact, she felt weak. Carson wasn't strong or brave, not anymore.

Expecting that response, he was prepared. Pollux moved closer, pinning something to her dress. It was the Mockingjay pin. "Now, you are."

Carson stared at him fondly. Placing her hands on his cheeks, she smiled. "Thank you." She kissed him slowly, enjoying the moment for as long as possible. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Okay," he signed. "I'll see you soon."


It was almost too much for Carson Sage.

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