Chapter 35

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The group prepared to head out to record more footage for the propos. Carson watched as Pollux tried to put on his vest but struggled. She laughed, stepping in front of him. "I got it." Grabbing the straps, she velcroed the vest around his waist. The man smiled, cheeks slightly red.

"Listen up," Boggs said. Carson quickly spun around. He held up a mag. "Mags empty." He put it in the gun before looking at Peeta. "It's only for the propo." He handed it to Peeta. "Let's go. We're headed five blocks north."

Carson grabbed her sword, twirling it in her hands. She hadn't used it yet but was prepared for anything. It felt natural in her hands.

They walk silently for a while. Carson did her best to keep a distance from Peeta because looking at him was still too much for her. It wasn't fair for him to be here. It wasn't his choice.

Five blocks should have been easy, but it wasn't. They had to move slowly and keep an eye out for pods. Finnick spent the entire time rehearsing lines with Peeta, preparing him for what he would need to say in front of the cameras. Carson thought Coin's idea was reckless. It's dangerous, borderline idiotic, but she can't help but feel that's the point. There's more to the story. Coin didn't want Katniss doing any more videos. Why now does she want Peeta there with them? It didn't make sense. If anything, the vehicle should have brought Katniss back to District 13.

Carson had always been smart. She was logical in battle techniques, always had been. It helped her win. She was able to outsmart her enemy every time. So why couldn't she figure this out?

She stayed beside Cressida for the majority of the time. They made conversation occasionally. She directs the twins when she sees something worth recording, but mostly they just walk.

Carson always became a different person in intense situations. She became cold, focusing on completing the mission. It was like that in the Quarter Quell, and anytime Coin sent her somewhere. It was easier to get things done when her emotions weren't a factor. Right now, that was a struggle. Carson couldn't turn off her emotions. She was worried about everyone around her. That wasn't something she was used to. Unfortunately, everyone noticed. Her personality bounced between hot and cold.

"Boggs," Cressida spoke after a few hours. "This is a good spot." They were standing in a luxury apartment complex. It was round with an open area in the center. It was a nearly perfect circle. There was a structure in the middle. Its purpose was unknown. "Through there into the courtyard." It was secluded but a great symbol of the Capitol. It would be perfect for Katniss and Peeta.

"Okay," the man agreed. "Let's clear it." They had to make sure there weren't any pods before recording. They began walking, shuffling down the steps. Boggs held the device, scanning the area. Carson held her sword tightly. They had yet to encounter any Peacekeepers, which was good.

Suddenly, the Holo began rapidly beeping. That meant there was a pod ahead through the arch. "We have a pod. Split and take cover." Carson walked to one side with Katniss and Gale. Cressida, Pollux, and Castor join them. They all press their backs against the wall, wanting to stay as far out of the way as possible. "Stay back." Boggs grabs a rock, tossing it down the corridor.

Instantly, the pod reacts. There's rapid gunfire—Carson ducks out of instinct, her body facing Pollux. His eyes clench shut as he waits for the bullets to stop. The noise was loud, almost deafening. Castor placed a hand on his brother's shoulder, wanting to comfort him. Luckily, it doesn't last long. The guns eventually run out of ammo.

The walkway was completely destroyed.

Boggs moved first, scanning the area from more pods. It didn't alert to any. "All clear. Gale, Homes, with me. Leegs, take the wings." They do as told, walking through the arch to inspect the area for any dangers. Carson shook her head. There was an awful ringing in her right ear.

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