Chapter 15

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Carson walked into the main dining hall. She referred to it as a cafeteria because that's what it reminded her of. However, not everyone went there to eat. It was a good place to spend free time with friends. After arriving back in District 13 the previous day, she spent most of her free time in the garden center. It was the closest she could get to being outside without actually leaving. When Carson closed her eyes and listened to the birds, it was like she was back home in District 10.

Then she would open her eyes and remember that District 10 was no longer her home. It would most likely never be her home again. Grasping that concept wasn't easy. District 10 wasn't anything special. It was the livestock district. There were miles of fields, and past those were factories that slaughtered precious animals. Growing up, Carson thought that was the worst thing. It wasn't. There were much worse things.

"Carson," a voice shouted across the room. It was Cressida. The blonde eagerly waved her hand, wanting her to join them. Rather than pretending not to see them, she walks over. Cressida sat with Messalla, Pollux, and Castor. The group she typically surrounded herself with. "Hey."

"Hey." Carson sits in the open seat across from Pollux. She's closest with him.

"Have you seen the footage," Cressida jumps straight into conversation. "It came out nicely."

"I haven't," she responds. "But I'm sure I will soon."

Cressida nodded but was quick to change the conversation. "Where's your sister? I usually don't see you without her."

Carson searched the room but didn't see her. What she did see was Boggs leaving with Katniss. "I'm not sure," her words are slow. "She's been in the medical wing a lot, but there's a chance she's sleeping."

"Is she okay?" The question comes from Castor.

"Yeah." Carson didn't realize how that would sound when she said it. "She's fine. They're training her to be a medic, I guess."

"Isn't she eleven?" Cressida took a bite of her sandwich. "I'm surprised Coin allowed that."

Carson turned her body to face the girl. "I thought the same thing, but Charlie was not listening to me. I learned it's better not to argue with her." It wasn't as if she would be going into the field. The skills could also be proven useful in the future. Maybe when she was older, Charlie could become a doctor. By then, the war would be over. She could help people.

Pollux got his brother's attention and prepared to sign something when yellow lights began flashing. The air raid siren started going off. "This is a code red alert. Remain calm and begin evacuation protocol." Immediately, everyone started rushing out of the room to get to the bunker. Carson did the same, searching the area for Charlie. She was nowhere to be found.

Carson had to go back to their room and get her. Rather than following the crowd towards the bunker, she went the other way. "Carson," Cressida yells over the crowd. "Where are you going?"

"To find my sister. Don't worry. I'll meet you there." They never had a chance to argue with her. The dark-haired girl vanished in the sea of bodies.

"Shit." Cressida wanted to help, but there was nothing she could do. They couldn't stop her. They couldn't help her.

Once Carson got to the staircase, she sprinted up the stairs quickly. Her feet slammed against the metal steps. She had to find Charlie and get to the bunker safely. That was all that mattered. She ran down the hallway and threw open the door to her room. "Charlie?" The room was empty. "Charlie!" Carson ran back into the hallway. It was entirely empty. "Charlie!"

There wasn't time to get to the medical wing. Carson had to assume that Charlie was on her way to the bunker with everyone else. "This is a code red alert. Remain calm and begin evacuation protocol." She hurried down the hallway and back down the stairs. Not making it to the bunker was the last thing Carson wanted to do.

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