Chapter 3

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"No," Charlie said. "You can't go."

"Charlie," Carson sighed. "It won't be for long."

The young girl sat on the bed, a frown on her face. "It's not fair."

"Life isn't fair." They both knew that well. Charlie didn't want Carson to leave. It was dangerous outside of District 13. There's a war going on. Anything could happen. President Coin prided herself on her leadership skills. She spoke about how every life was valuable, and no sacrifice in war is too small. But the only person she could not lose was Katniss. She is the face of the revolution. People listen to her. That was why Carson and Gale had to tag along. They had to protect her, and they both would willingly give their lives to protect her. Coin knew that.

Truthfully, Carson wanted to go. She had lost a lot, and it was all President Snow's fault. Helping end his reign was all she wanted. It was the only way to achieve justice for her murdered family. "Hey." Carson kneeled in front of her. "I'll be back before you even realize I'm gone." Charlie found that hard to believe. "You're going to stay here with Finnick until I get back."

"Okay." There wasn't anything Charlie could do to convince Carson to stay. This was who her sister was. That was never going to change. "Stay safe."

"I will. I always do."

Carson stepped forward grabbed her sister's head. She kissed the top of it before turning around. Standing by the door was Finnick. He's holding her signature weapon. "From Beetee himself."

"Thank you." She took the weapon from him. "I should be back tomorrow, maybe the day after." Coin didn't want them gone for too long. "Are you okay watching her?"

"Of course." Finnick loved Charlie like she was his own. "There's no need to worry. We'll be fine."

But Carson always worried about her sister. She wanted to protect her from the dangers of the world. "I always worry."

"We'll be fine, Carson."

She glanced at her sister one last time, watching as she curled up in a chair to read a book. "I'll see you both soon."

"Good luck." Nothing else was said between them. Carson held her weapon by the handle. It seemed that most Victors had a signature weapon. Katniss had her bow. Finnick had a trident. Hers was a spartan sword with an extended handle.

Silently, the girl walked down the hallway towards the elevators where Boggs and Katniss would be waiting for her. From there, they would go to the hanger and board a hovercraft that would take them to District 8. It was a simple plan. Katniss would assess the damage and record some footage. Boggs, Gale, and herself were her bodyguards in a sense. President Coin needed Katniss to stay alive.

As Carson approaches the elevator, she notices Boggs and Katniss doing the same. "Ready?" Boggs asked her.

"Yes, sir." They step into the elevator together. Boggs shuts the door. The elevator descends into the lower levels of District 13. Carson stares ahead. Her lips pulled into a thin line. It isn't easy leaving her sister to face the dangers outside of their new home, but it's what she has to do. Charlie is young. She doesn't understand the true evils of the Capitol, not in the way Carson does. She was only four years old when their parents were killed. The memories of them were non-existent. All she remembered was the pain of losing them.

They arrived at the hanger. Boggs opened the door. The three silently walked out and through the short tunnel into the armory. The armory was a lot to take in. There was an endless amount of weapons. There were bombs and missiles. A gun locker the size of the wall. "Wow," Carson muttered.

"You had all of this and just let the Districts fend for themselves," Katniss spoke to Boggs.

"It's not that simple," he explained. "We barely survived. We weren't in any shape to launch a counterattack." Carson understood, but it wasn't easy. District 13 lived freely and without fear of the Capitol for 75 years. "We could have bombed the Capitol, but they would have retaliated with five times the firepower. Then what?" They walked towards the hovercraft. "Nobody would have been here to claim victory."

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