23- Pt2. Between Two Breathless Hearts

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Jungkook was bringing back things they used from their dinner at the beach last night to the house, going back and forth

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Jungkook was bringing back things they used from their dinner at the beach last night to the house, going back and forth. He would touch his hair from time to time, delighted at the fresh feel of his short hair which Jimin had cut, luckily, by a far better way than in the past. He grinned sheepishly, remembering.

It was the second time he walked back to the house bringing the string lights and other materials used from the beach when he heard his phone ringing and vibrating on the console table.

He set the things he was holding carefully aside and answered the call from Namjoon.

"Thank God, you finally answered. I've been trying to call you for the past thirty minutes! I think Sung-Won is gonna cause trouble. I'm worried. He came here looking for me and asked me about you and Jimin. I-I thought he was your common best friend right? So I kinda able to tell him.. I thought... "

"Let's cut to the chase, Namjoon and tell me what is the problem!" Jungkook's heart began to beat at an alarming rate. A worried frown shadowed his face.

"He suddenly took off without me with my boat and with my helmsman! I told him I am about to go there to fetch you and I am not sure how he persuaded the pilot to just go and leave me behind. I just suddenly realized he didn't look very normal to me when we finished talking."

Jungkook suddenly felt nauseous, a feeling of impending doom washed over him.

"So h-he is coming here?"

"I'm pretty sure. Estimating the time, he's probably reached the island now. You haven't seen him? I just feel something's not right when he just went off so sneakily like that. I thought I'll better warn you."

Jungkook swiftly moved, as soon as Namjoon mentioned about Sung-won's coming, panic written all over his face. He sprinted frantically to Jimin's bedroom while still holding the phone and listening to Namjoon.

"I've taken another boat, fortunately that of some people who went looking for me too and interrogated me. I- I am with Jimin's friends and another two men who were also looking for Jimin. I'm sorry, I can't drive them away. They are very persistent. They threatened to report me to the police and accuse me as an accessory to a kidnapping crime if I wouldn't take them to where you are!"

Jungkook hadn't minded much about the others when he grew very much concerned about Sung-Won's coming. Jungkook knew Sung-Won had some mental issues, a some kind of insanity. He had a tendency to be inhumanly violent as he had witnessed before a few times in the States, till he was finally sent back home to Korea and was treated in a psychiatric facility, probably and hopefully. Still he cannot push aside the feeling of dread that Sung-Won will do something terrible and to Jimin most certainly at that.

And so he was not mistaken when he sprinted to Jimin's room and didn't find him there and when he rushed out to the west side of the beach, seeing the terrifying scenario just a few feet away- Sungwon pointing a gun at a half-kneeling Jimin.

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