19- Pt. 1 Between Two Troubled Waters

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When Jungkook woke up late in the morning, he immediately went to seek Jimin in his room

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When Jungkook woke up late in the morning, he immediately went to seek Jimin in his room. He wanted to have morning cuddles with him. But the bed was already tidied up and Jimin wasn't in his room. For a moment his heart palpitated. "J-Jimin?!" Jungkook uttered in a normal low voice. He opened the doors to the patio, searching, near and far gazing at the beach, looking for a glimpse of Jimin's figure. He didn't see any. "Jimin?!" In a louder, quivering voice, went inside again hurriedly looking for him in unreasonable panic.

He saw Jimin in the dining room. Setting the table with varieties of food, humming in joyful mood. He rested his hands on his waist when done, surveying his handiwork in the table. He afterwards saw Jungkook standing near the entrance. His face brightened more and he smiled cheerfully at him.

But Jungkook has an unpredictable look on his face. He looked like he a ran a marathon, breathing heavily with a gaze caressingly soft but deeply piercing, staring at Jimin with so much emotion, his brows wrinkled in something like anxiety or sorrow.

Jimin suddenly became worried and strode swiftly towards him. "What's the matter Kookie?" He cupped Jungkook's face gently with his palms.

Jungkook did not answer instead he draped his arms around Jimin's slim frame, pressing him to his hard body and captured Jimin's lips in a tender but demanding kiss. With a surprised gasp and throaty moan, Jimin returned the kiss with the same passion. His lips parted in sweet surrender to let Jungkook explore and invade the depth of his mouth, intensifying their kiss.

Jungkook slid his hands on Jimin's hips, lifted him and Jimin helped him to push his body upwards, encircling his thighs around Jungkook's waist. He tangled his fingers in Jungkook's hair, pulling him in to unite their mouths even more in a very deep and fervent kiss.

Jungkook stepped forward carrying Jimin, kissing his mouth hungrily, until they reached the table and placed him on the edge of it. He then ran one hand over his back, feeling and embracing Jimin at the same time, while his other hand shifted up clutching Jimin's nape, keeping the gapless proximity of their entertwining moving lips, while they both feel each other's rapid heartbeats.

Their lips separated after indeterminable minutes as time seemed to stop for them.

Jimin chuckled softly while catching his breath. He ran his fingers through Jungkook's still uncombed hair. He asked softly, "What was that all about?"

Jungkook hugged Jimin, rested his head on the smaller's upper chest, buried his face on the crook of his neck.
He sighed deeply. "I.. I found you gone... I mean I woke up then walked into your room..I..I searched for you but I couldn't find you..I didn't see you.. I couldn't breathe.. I-It was h-harrowing.."

"I... I'm just here, Jungkookie. Where else can I go? I prepared breakfast for us. Do you still remember the taste of my cooking?" Jimin said with tearful eyes, caressing Jungkook's hair.

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