7- Under The Warm Blanket

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Edited: 07/12/22
Originally published: 08/04/22

Edited: 07/12/22Originally published: 08/04/22

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Jungkook gently laid Jimin on a soft bed. Afterwards, he sat beside him, staring at his sleeping form. He can't stop looking at him. He can't believe after three long years of waiting, wanting, longing , he is finally here, so close to him. He could touch him however and whenever he wants. He won't give a damn of what Jimin would feel, he could resist or fight all he likes but he wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

His desire isn't filled with pleasant, loving wants nor his longing a sweet, affectionate emotion, or so he made himself believe. It is filled with bitterness, with the yearning to inflict some kind of pain to this man he once immensely loved because of the deep wound he inflicted on him.

Jimin abandoned him the time he needed him most. Furthermore he married another man when he promised he would never leave him for another no matter what.

He promised he would wait, he would stay. He promised he will go through fire with him, for better or worse, against all odds.

He believed in those promises with his whole heart. And when you believe with your whole heart, then nothing in your being will be left unbroken when those promises weren't kept.

He touched Jimin's face, still as smooth as rose petals. His lips full  and pale red like sweet  juicy strawberries, 'not solely his anymore, touched and kissed by another man. But for now, they are mine and mine alone.'  So, he bent down and treated his mouth to the delicious taste of those lips again, biting on his full bottom lip, sucking on his  upper lip, plunging and devouring, possessing shamelessly without rightful consent.

He ceased for a moment,  breathing heavily,  then straigthened up only to give a dark look of malevolence on Jimin's unsuspecting body.

His hands started to unbutton Jimins shirt down to the last button and pulled it open to reveal his white, flawless chest, his slender torso. He sensually outlined his slim collarbones, then roamed his hand down every lines and every curvature of his breasts, his tiny waist, his firm stomach. Touching, feeling and invading the smoothness of every part of his exposed skin. Where he touched, he leaves wet, deep kisses.

Jimin let out a very soft, almost inaudible moan and shifted a little, turning his head on one side, causing Jungkook to stare and be driven with yearning to dive into the crook of his neck and taste that white elegant display of smooth white slope.

He swifty pulled up and took off his own shirt and tossed it away. He pressed his body longingly against his, and let out a low satisfied moan when he felt their bodies collide, without the barrier of their upper clothes. 

When Love Hates / JIKOOKHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin