13- PT2 On The Back Of A Strong Love

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Edited: 07/12/22
Originally published: May 2022

It was more than two weeks after Jimin's marriage to Yoongi, when he decided he've had enough.

Everynight and everyday sinced the marriage, he would cry himself to sleep and even in the early mornings and in various times of day, he will find himself in fits of tears. He couldn't take proper food or do any normal chores as he can't seem to find any energy in him.

He would stare at nothing for hours and hours at end. And he would sleep for long periods of time as if not wanting to wake up anymore to the bitter reality.

He was filled with this different kind of pain he cannot let go of or control. He was in major depression as what the doctor had diagnosed.

Yoongi found him in time in the bathtub, white and almost out of life, the water soaked red with his blood.

Yoongi took good care of him as he always had sinced the first day of their marriage. His patience was enduring and endless moreso after he attempted to take his life. His loving gestures healed Jimin gradually and eventually he was able to move on somehow.

With medications, rehabilitation, therapy and especially Yoongi's unwavering support and care, his life became normal but there will always be the nagging pain in his heart that would never ever go away with time.


"Don't do this again. Promise me Jimin. Promise me. No matter what happens, always remember your life is precious more than anything in this world. You are most precious to me than anything else, more than anyone." Jungkook said crying while he held Jimin in a tight embrace.

"H-he saved me.. Y-Yoongi.. he saved me.. I know he was the cause of our argument...His proposal made my parents force me to break up with you..but.. h-he also saved me..He was my only friend at that time that I lost you, the one who encouraged me to be strong.. the one who heard and listened to me when there was no one.. He cared for me Jungkook.. that's why.. I..I..learned to care for him too.. f-forgive me.."

Jungkook dried Jimin's tears with his hand and looked at him adoringly with understanding in his eyes. But with sadness as he comprehends.. "You love him."

Jimin softly nodded his head.

"B-but i-it's different. Nothing can compare the love I have for you Jungkook. Nothing. I love you more than anyone in this world..B-but I can't ignore that I care about him and I don't want him to get hurt."

"He saved you...and I-I caused you to do this..I-It's because of me.. I-I am so sorry.."

"I-It wasn't your fault Jungkook. Don't ever think that.."

"I guess I was wrong to hate him. I should've thanked him for taking good care of you,.for giving you a good life.. I owe him.... I think I owe him my life... cause you are my life, Jimin. He saved my life."

"J-Jungkook... " and Jimin hugged him with all the love and gratitude he could manage to let him feel.

"I-I will send you back tomorrow, don't worry... for now, let's just rest okay.? "

'Sleep beside me,Jungkook. You said you haven't had much sleep."

"I want to but first I will get you your pajamas so you'll be more comfortable."

So after helping Jimin put on his pajamas, they layed down together on the bed. They had the most peaceful, wonderful sleep cuddled together in warmth, acceptance and love.

When Love Hates / JIKOOKحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن