Chapter 18: Sleeping Giant

Start from the beginning

"As previously noted: I already had the lemons."

Tails' plane falls from the sky and crashes down right in front of Sonic, Knuckles, Me, Sticks, and Amy. The engine is smoking, and Tails sighs with relief. But then, it falls to pieces and stops smoking.

"Don't worry; it's still covered by the manufacturer's warranty!" Tails says.

"But you're the manufacturer." Sonic says.

"I knew I shouldn't have given myself a receipt!"

"Guys? Rock monster?" Amy butts in.

The Granifer Giganticus, is now walking towards us.

"Oh right. What do you know about that thing, Amy?"

"Granifer Giganticus is a proud race of mountain dwellers from the time of the Ancients. No one has seen one in hundreds of years."

"That's not true; I just saw one." Knuckles points. The Granifer Giganticus sits down on top of a hut, but it gets crushed underneath its weight.

"He's ignoring the "You break it, you bought it" sign. He really is a monster!" Tails exclaims.

(Time Skip)

Eggman is watching the event unfold on his monitor screen.

"Egad! There's a pitiless monster spreading destruction and horror across the land!"

"Sounds like your kind of people." Cubot says.

"Oh, I'm a huge fan of his work. I must make him my minion; he could destroy entire cities! And clean my rain gutters; they're hard to reach. Cubot, Orbot, go capture him!"

"Why us? There's no way we could catch that behemoth." Orbot protests.

"Well, not with a negative attitude like that. Now get moving! Left, right, left, right!"

"He always says "left, right", yet we have no legs. That's hurtful."

(Time Skip)

The Granifer Giganticus is still sitting down.

"So, so horrible; they were supposed to reupholster my loveseat." Amy says sadly.

"Hey, he's doing what my neighbor's Uncle Tannous does when he has the insomnia; he can never get comfortable, so he's always fluffing his pillow." Tails says.

The Granifer Giganticus groans as he knocks on a neighboring building's roof.

"Like that! My neighbor's Uncle Tannous's next move would be to get up and get a drink of water."

The Granifer Giganticus stands up and walks over to a well. He picks the well itself up off the ground, and the water squirts up into his mouth.

"Like that!"

The Granifer Giganticus yawns, and ducks fly out of his mouth.

"But my neighbor's Uncle Tannous doesn't yawn ducks."

The Granifer Giganticus begins to walk out of the village, yawning and stretching his arms as he goes.

"Hey, he isn't rampaging. You know what he's doing?" Sonic asks.

"Ravaging? Devastating? Marauding? Obliterating? Flinging or scattering to the wings?" Sticks pulls out a book.

"Found a thesaurus in a cranberry bog."

"He's trying to get comfortable. He can't sleep." Sonic explains.

Sticks looks in the thesaurus.

"Slumber, repose, forty winks...Ooh, a cranberry!" She tosses it into her mouth.

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