love, love and more love

Magsimula sa umpisa

that is ikaris with laughter and joy and anything sweet, he acts as if it must be secret. he lifts his hand to his face, covering the grin as i have to pry it away with a smile of my own. "brelione, your mind is filth!"he exclaims, making laughter erupt from me, the sound like lava spurting from a volcano as it falls uncontrollable. head falling against his chest, i sigh. his hand moving through my hair, he bites his lip to hold back the words that fight to come out. i have no idea what it is that he holds back, but something tells me it's not something i want to hear.

not from him, at least. finally regaining myself, i pull from him and lean back to my place, pulling the dough apart as i watch his expression. and in a split moment, the dough smacks against his skin, a scream coming from his throat, a hand to his face. finally, his facade falls, an exasperated sigh lifting from his body. "OH GREAT HEAVENS, HELP ME FOR I HAVE BEEN HIT!"he shouts. another piece, another, another. until finally one reaches his mouth, a cough rising in his throat. "no sound, you are dead."i whisper to him, watching as he turns to his side, picking a dough bomb from the blanket, placing it in his mouth with a face of stress.

"it goes down easy,"he says, a smirk pulling to his lips as he knows exactly what he is doing. "but, you wouldn't know what that's like, with your dating history."oh, how he antagonizes me. with a dance of my fingers, the cork pulls itself from the bottle, a stream accidentally flying from the bottle and hitting his white clothed chest. a splash of deep red, near purple. like an old fashioned deviant murder, though the only one to ever fight a deviant in white was thena. and with flawless, graceful execution such as hers, not a spec of blood every reached the armor of her chest.

"oh, pretty one, you've dug yourself a grave."he says, pulling his hand down the wet shirt, spreading the stain. his accent grows thick when he says it, as it always does when he plans on attacking. though, i doubt his accent could ever be as thick as his skull. the ground shifting beneath us, my head tilts to him, feeling my eyes do their flickering. he calls it my weird eye magic, though he struggles to not compare it to druigs, the burn of golden embers in my irises.

are you sure about that?

he looks away from me, pulling a glass from the basket and filling it with the very liquid that coats his shirt. "how i wish those eyes of yours weren't so enchanting, put the little magic away, why don't you?"he asks. with a sigh, keeping the dance of gold up, i finally let it go. such an effort it is, but the reviews are so motivating. oh, who am i? thriving from the words of another man that i pretend is my lover. druig would like my new trick, we'd be a matching pair. i wonder, how long it would take for me to walk to him. id walk until i collapsed, until my legs were dull bones and every inch of me ached. the ground let's go of its tension, though every few moments it seems to take a deep breath, making his eyes go wide everytime as we consume every last crumb that lies before us.

the sun falling to its knees, dragging pigment across the sky. and with an attempt of comforting romance, he takes my red curls between his fingers in a sweet admiration. "you're matching the sky,"he says. and i can tell that more lies to his words than he lets on, like an ancient secret is coated inside them, begging to be torn apart and put together like a puzzle until the message is finally unlocked. the moment is torn apart, disrupted by the need to return home, taking a glass of wine and sipping it.

it's such an odd flavor, they've taken the best of fruits and only put the worst flavors in. acidic and bitter, but i drink it anyways. when it's long gone, a warm fuzzy feeling in my chest, i pull myself from the ground with a careful stretch, making sure my dress doesn't betray me. he watched me with an almost twisted admiration, the branches helping to lift his body from the ground. a message hits my skull, return home. it says. the urge burns worse, sending me running with a grin, skin grazing moss and wind as i leap from stone to stone, my housemate flies overhead.

i think i'm coming to like him more and more, with everyday that passes he wears down, erodes into more of a human. up the bridge of life, outrunning his speed of flight, i reach one of the branch houses. rooms of wood, all connected by thin bridges of flowers and twigs. my small hut sits before me, door non existent but a fabric is something close in resemblance, blowing open invitingly.

a private space, my desk sits, along with boxes and chests and shells full of old goods and memories. a rolled parchment, sealed with a lick of red wax and twine waits for me, the paper disheveled from a long journey. i do not even have to peel back the paper to know that it's from makkari, a thrill stings my body as i pull it open.

have you noticed the phenomenon that's been occurring lately? knowledge is coming to humans, it's true!! i saw humans beginning to grind your plants and use them in different ways, medicine and spices. they didn't know that before, not here at least. i've found that there are new stories coming around, though we don't make appearances anymore. however, i noticed a play that couldn't help but to catch my eye. a tragic romance, a girl with no voice. does this ring a bell in your mind? sersi is with sersi and kingo now, they are working on great things that i'm sure we will be seeing soon. i miss you very much, druig does too. he is in search for you, he was at least. i recall it very vividly, can i come over at any time? we need to discuss this in person.
love, love and more love

Brelione//DruigxOCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon