Chapter 26: The other Holmes

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Violin music, it sounded so familiar. Where had I heard it before? 

I could feel my chest heaving up and down as I breathed, and the cold material I was laying on. I could sense the white light beyond my eyelids, and the coarse fabric of the clothes I was wearing. 

I felt my face with my hands, then my hair. Then I opened my eyes, but I was blinded by a bright white light.

"Ugh... god." I muttered to myself, rubbing at my eyes and trying to adjust to the brightness of the room. The violin music suddenly stopped and I looked to my right. A woman was sitting on a bare bed with a violin in her arms.

"How do you know that song?" I asked her, trying to get up. She ignored me and carried on playing the song, her icy-blue eyes fixated on me. I slowly started to walk towards her, my vision coming into focus and her facial features becoming more and more prominent. Wavy brown hair, high cheekbones and icy blue eyes...

"Sherlock..." I muttered in my dazed state.

"You know Sherlock?" She suddenly spoke. 

"He is... was... someone I loved. Do you know him? You look like him." 

"Sit down." She gestured for me to sit down next to her on the bed. I walked over and sat down on the hard mattress, it was nearly hard enough to be a bench. 

"Who are you?" I asked her. She looked at me up and down before speaking.

"You're an ex-assassin, either in your late twenties or early thirties. you're incredibly smart but never put it to use, making you appear incredibly imbecilic to intellectuals. You're right handed and have a scar on your stomach from a wound several years ago from a stab, the weapon used to stab you presumably had some sort of acid or poison on it that would leave a scar as your body heals yourself quickly. Your body language shows that you're introverted and have experienced some sort of abuse, you're inclined to listen to others and have some sort of guilt from your past."

I looked at her, then it hit me.

No, it can't be...

"You're a Holmes?" I gasped in surprise. 

"I like you, you're sharper than most people. Eurus Holmes, you've already met my brothers." She said, glaring at the camera in the corner of the cell. 

"How long have I been here?"

"A week and a half, you haven't woken up until now. It was quite fascinating, watching you sleep. You seemed so peaceful I started to think you were dead."

I tried to ignore the fact that Eurus had watched me sleep for the past week and a half, instead commenting on her violin. 

"Stradivarius? There's only five-hundred of those in the world, how do you have one?"

"Present from Mycroft, you try playing it." She said, handing it to me.

"I don't play..."

"Yes you do, play something."

I started to draw the strings across the bow, thinking of something to play. Eventually, a melody came to mind and I started playing it.

"Romantic entanglement with my brother, I see." She commented. I stopped and handed the violin back to her, slightly embarrassed.

"I can't play, how did I do that?"

"I've been playing all week, I've whispered to you and reprogrammed your brain into being able to play. Clever, isn't it?"

"Very... who put me in here?" I asked. She looked at the camera and smirked, before turning her head back to me.

"Mycroft. He's watching us right now, go talk to him." She whispered, pushing me towards the camera.

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