Chapter 24: Helicopter theft

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Heavy TW: Mention of sexual assault, I will put a trigger warning when it's mentioned so you can skip over it.

Going back to Baker Street was more painful than I could imagine, knowing that this might be the last time I would see it. I grabbed my suit and some few spare clothes, along with other necessities. I made my bed, cleared up my room and left it in a clean and tidy state, in case Mrs Hudson would ever rent it out.

Actually... I should write a note explaining everything to her. 

I grabbed a pen and paper, sitting down at my desk and thinking what to write.

'Dear Mrs Hudson,

I wanted to start this letter off with a thank you, rather than the bad news. So, thank you for everything you've done for me over these past few years, you've always been like the mother I never had. You've been so good to me, even though we met when I broke into your flat to kill Sherlock (What a day that was.)

The bad news, I've gone to save the world from the criminal organisation I used to work for. I know Sherlock and I have told you many times of our plans to take them down, and now those plans are in action, we're taking down the final base now. But I have to leave, because I'm not letting any harm come to the people I consider my family.

By the time you read this letter, which depends on how drunk you get tonight, I will be gone and possibly dead. The same goes for Regina and Ezra, but I know they also feel the same as I do. I want to say don't lose hope that I will return, but I know this time that is unlikely. Promise to look after yourself and Sherlock for me.


A single tear rolled down my cheek as I folded the paper and left it on my bed.  

"Y/n? Are you ready?"

"Coming!" I said, wiping my tear with my sleeve. I quickly walked out the room, shutting the door behind me. 

"Right, shall we go then?"

"Yep, let's go." I tried to muster up a smile. We headed outside to the taxi that was waiting for us, and as we drove away from Baker Street, I turned back to see Sherlock arriving home. He glanced at the cab and I quickly turned around, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath to calm myself.


Unlike when I was travelling around the world taking down Moriarty's organisation, I had to book my own hotels now. Luckily, as Regina was a well-paid actress now, we had the money to afford two rooms. Regina and Ezra would share a room, whilst I would have a room next to theirs. 

If I was perfectly honest, I was jealous of how perfect Ezra and Regina's relationship was. How they could be together because they weren't both sociopaths with a tendency for self-destruction, it was something that Sherlock and I would never have been able to do. Even Mary and John's marriage made my heart ache, because I knew that I would probably never get to experience a romantic relationship. 

It seemed like a cruel fate that the only person I ever felt love for was someone I could never be with, because both of us together would not only put ourselves at risk, but the other people we cared about as well. 

And now here I was, silently crying alone on my bed again like the scared little girl in her cell being experimented on all those years ago. It was as if my story was finally coming full circle again, ending with me somehow redeeming myself.

But how could I ever redeem myself? All the lives I took, even as a child, fighting against my peers just to live.

You were just a kid, you were just scared...

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