Chapter 1: The mission

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"So, whose he?"

"Your next mission, I need you to kill him by midnight tomorrow, leave no evidence and make it look like an accident."

"Why so urgent?" I asked, looking down at the photo in my hands. It was a man, blue eyes, sharp cheekbones and dark, curly hair wearing a black coat with an upturned collar.

"Some of our lot have been... well... messy... with their murders. They've left trails... and this man, has picked up on it. If he has any idea that this place exists, the safety of everyone here will be compromised."

"And why do you want me to kill him?"

"Because you seem to be the only competent person lately, don't fail me."

"What's his name?"

"Sherlock Holmes."

"Where do I need to be?"

"221B, Baker Street tomorrow lunchtime. His housekeeper will be out to do shopping and his flatmate has a date at a restaurant."

"Understood sir, I won't fail you."


10am, the next day

"Excuse me, do you know where Baker Street is?"

"Right o'er there ma'am, walk two blocks down and turn left, do you have any change on you?"

I took the last few pennies out of my pocket and gave them to the homeless man before thanking him for his help. A few minutes later I turned left onto Baker street, I glanced at my watch.

12:00pm exactly.

Watching carefully from a distance, I saw an old lady step out of a house holding a shopping bag, followed by a man dressed in a tartan shirt with jeans and his hair gelled back.

That must be the one.

I waited until they had walked out of sight before running up to the flat. 221B, Baker Street. I ran to the back of the building and scaled the stairs quickly. At the top I could see a window, that would be my best bet of getting in without being caught.

After having no luck trying to open it by taking the window pane out, I noticed a lock. It was odd, windows didn't normally have locks on the outside, but this meant that I were able to pick the lock, which I did swiftly within seconds before jumping into the the flat, landing onto the carpet without a sound. Walking a bit further down the corridor, I could hear the sound of a violin being played. Mozart's Concerto No.3 to be precise, one of my favourite violin concertos and I greatly appreciated the beautiful playing, but I couldn't get sidetracked now.

Being careful not to make a sound, I slowly brought my gun out of my coat pocket and advanced slowly towards the living room door, the sound of music getting louder and louder, A floorboard suddenly creaked under my foot and the sound stopped. I panicked, hoping that he hadn't heard and stayed dead silent. After a few moments, he picked up his violin and resumed playing the concerto. I knew I didn't have much time left before his housekeeper was back, and from what I had heard about Holmes, he was intelligent. He probably knew I was here since the floorboard creaked.


I kicked the living room door down and pointed the gun at him, but to my surprise, he was pointing one at me.

"Oh come on, you really think I'm that stupid? I could tell you were coming from a mile away." he smirked at me, not lowering the gun.

"Shoot me and I'll shoot you, we'll both die either way." I giggled. He frowned at me, raising an eyebrow before dropping the gun and putting his hands up.

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