Chapter 5: Tick...tock...

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Warning: Suggestion of smut ahead 

Two years ago:

"Mmmm... your lips are so soft." Irene whispered as she kissed me. I curled a lock of her hair around my finger as I laid next to her on the bed. She moved herself so that she was hugging me, the warmth of her body on mine making me feel butterflies.

"I don't want this to end." I said groggily.

"You know that it's too dangerous for both of us."

"An assassin and a dominatrix, it could work..."  

"Together we could rule the world..." She fantasized. 

"Exactly, please Irene, you're the only one who has made me feel like this." I begged her. 

"The only one? That makes me feel special." She Chuckled.

"Please Irene, I'll do anything." I whined in a baby voice. She shook her head, even though I knew she wanted this as badly as I did.

"We can't..."

"Then let's make the most out of the time we have left." I suggested. She smirked and pulled me in, kissing my neck. Her right hand snaked it's way up my hips and waist whilst her left one held the back of my head as she kissed me passionately. I cupped her cheek and put my other hand on her back as we continued to kiss on her bed.

"Fuck me like it's the end of the world." I teased.


Present day:

"Y/n! Y/n!" John said, waving a hand in my face. I snapped out of my flashback.

"You slept with Irene Adler?" Sherlock said in shock. 

"What, are you jealous?" 

"No, why would I be?"

"Because I've slept with more women than you have."

"You've slept with one person!"

"Still more than you" I taunted. 

"Well, I think I should get to bed now. At my old age I get tired very easily." Mrs Hudson interrupted, trying to get away from the conversation as quickly as possible. She left the room and shut the door, leaving John, Sherlock and I sitting at the table.

"I thought you said you weren't interested in that kind of stuff." Sherlock pointed out. 

"She was an exception, it was after I helped her."

"With what?"

"Blackmail, she hired me to murder the person who was blackmailing her with photos."

"So how did you end up sleeping with her?" John queried.

"She let me stay at her place for a couple weeks after. We got drunk one night and you know... then we confessed feelings and I stayed for another few weeks but then I was asked to go on another mission."

Sherlock walked out of the room, slamming the door. Had I upset him?

"He just-"


"Did I upset him?" I said, slightly worried.

"He always acts like this, he'll be fine by tomorrow. He does have a soft spot for Irene though, she's his only weakness."

"Should I go apologise?"

"No, just leave it. He's a drama queen sometimes but he'll be over it by tomorrow, on that note, it's getting late."

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