Chapter 4: Scotland Yard

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"Ah Gavin, meet Ava Reed, my client for my latest case!" Sherlock announced as he walked through the door of Scotland Yard. I looked at Sherlock, confused at why he hadn't used my real name. He gave me a look.

Go along with it, I'll explain to him later

"It's Greg." The man corrected him. He turned to me and held out his hand.

"Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade, nice to meet you Miss Reed." He smiled and shook my hand, coffee spilling out of the cup in his other hand. 

"Did you pick up the body Lestrade?" 

"It's in the back, quite battered, looks like there was quite a nasty fight judging by your black eye and Miss Reed's broken nose." He speculated. I had completely forgotten about my nose, using the inside of my palms I quickly manoeuvred the bone back into place, causing a loud crack that caused Lestrade to wince.

"Got any bandages?" I asked. Lestrade went to his desk and found a roll of bandages, giving me some and eyeing me suspiciously as I dressed my wound.

We walked out of Lestrade's office and into the back, where there were several dead bodies laying on slabs. There was a woman at the first slab who was examining the body of an elderly man. Sherlock walked up to greet her, me and Lestrade behind him.

"Afternoon Molly, have you got the body?"

"Y-yes, it's um, over on that slab, why is your face all, bruised?" She asked.

"Fell over." Sherlock lied. He went over to the slab with Araya's body on it and unzipped the bag. I winced at the sight of her body again. It seemed to be more battered up than when I had killed her. I walked over, holding my breath and trying to avoid looking at her face, her eyes glassy and lifeless and her mouth slacking awkwardly in a surprised expression. 

"She seems, dead." Sherlock remarked.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock it's not like we weren't beating her up half an hour ago." I hissed at him. He ignored my remark and carried on examining the body. 

"H-hi, I'm Molly." I heard a voice behind me suddenly and jumped.

"I'm Ava." I replied, not using my real name as Sherlock had told me to leave the explaining to him. She nodded at me awkwardly before walking back to the body she was examining before.

I glanced back at Araya's body, supressing the guilt that I felt. Putting my hand on her cheek, I leant down to whisper in her ear.

"I am so, so sorry." 


Back in the flat, Sherlock was pacing up and down the room again whilst thinking.

"Nicotine patch, get me a nicotine patch." He asked.


"They help me think. Top shelf in the kitchen."

I rummaged through the top shelf looking for the patches. In the cupboard I found keys, flour, teabags, a... preserved finger? Why on earth was there a finger in the cupboard? I carried on searching through until I found a small box of what looked like round plasters labeled 'patches'. I took one out and handed it to Sherlock.

I watched him intently for a few minutes as he carried on pacing around the living room. Moving his hands frantically as if he was trying to piece together an invisible puzzle that wasn't there. 

"Where did you train?" He suddenly inquired.

"I don't know. We were drugged and brought out by a helicopter to every mission so we could never tell anyone where the Curators were located."

"Therefore presumably an island. It wouldn't be in London, that would have been too obvious." He went to his notes hanging on the wall and started looking at a map of the world, trying to work out where the island might be. He scribbled down some notes and pinned them to the wall, reading them over and over again whilst looking at the map. Footsteps came up the stairs and John opened the door, carrying some milk. He immediately glanced at Sherlock's sleeves, where he noticed the patches.

"I thought you said you weren't using them anymore?" 

"I said I wouldn't use them unless I had to, and I need to right now. Besides, it's better than smoking." He snapped back. 

"Well, I'll cook dinner then." John sighed.

"I'll help!" I chimed in, I had been in awkward silence for too long now, it would be nice to have a proper conversation with a normal human being. Although I think that anyone who hangs around Sherlock Holmes isn't able to be classified as a normal human being. 


John had made an absolutely delicious beef stroganoff for dinner, something that I hadn't had for years. The last time I had it was with a client for a celebration dinner after I had murdered his biggest rival two years ago, although it was unable to hold a candle to John's homemade version. Mrs Hudson was also complimenting John on his dinner. Sherlock on the other hand, stayed silent whilst prodding at the food with his fork.

"Is he always like this?" I whispered to John.

"Only when he's trying to solve a case, otherwise he won't shut up about how bored he is."

"How did you end up meeting him in the first place?"

John smiled whilst recalling his memories of meeting Sherlock.

"I had just come back from Afghanistan, badly injured with nowhere to live. A friend of mine who was a close friend of Sherlock's. Turns out Sherlock didn't have enough money to afford a flat on his own either. So I met him the next day and we started living together at a discounted price. Mrs Hudson's husband was on a death sentence for a double murder and Sherlock helped her with it."

"He got her husband off of a death sentence?"

"Oh no, he ensured it." John concluded. 

"he helped get Mr Hudson executed?" 

"He was a drug dealer, and I was rather miserable with him." Mrs Hudson chimed in. I nodded, not quite knowing how to respond to this when Sherlock's phone went off.

Except it wasn't a normal notification sound.

It was a woman. moaning.

"You're still texting that woman? John complained. My eyes went wide in shock.

"Was that-" I stammered. 

"Oh don't worry about that y/n he's been flirting with this woman called Irene Adler since a year and a half ago who is uninter-"

"Irene Adler?" I blurted out in surprise, this had confirmed my theory. Sherlock, John and Mrs Hudson all looked at me in anticipation.

"Y/n? Are you ok?" John asked.

"Yeah, it's just..." I mumbled.

"It's just what?"

"I've slept with her." 

A/N: DUN DUN DUNNNN, Y/N HAS SLEPT WITH IRENE LMAO (I DON'T KNOW EITHER I WAS WRITING THIS AT HALF TEN LAST NIGHT LMAO). But yeah this story is slowly coming together in my head now I didn't know how to carry it on but now I do lol also I've finally gotten more reads and a few more votes so tysm but I'm still lonely in the comments lol. Also as normal I haven't proofread so you know what to do ;) 

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