Chapter 17: The last of them

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【Don't blame me, love made me crazy. If it doesn't you ain't doing it right...】

-𝒯𝒶𝓎𝓁𝑜𝓇 𝒮𝓌𝒾𝒻𝓉

Another year later...

"It's Ghost!" The men screamed, I smirked from the rooftop as I observed them. Over the last year, I had created a name for myself in the world of criminals, or the 'underworld' as it was known as. They called me 'Ghost' or 'Spectre', pathetic really. But I always moved so fast and undetected that the name stuck. 

Over the past year, I had taken down Moriarty's men in all other continents other than Asia. The past two months I had been travelling around the continent, unable to find anyone until Mycroft contacted me and informed me of three remaining groups located in India, China and Japan. I had taken down the two groups in India and China, and now I was close to taking down the final group. 

A year of travelling across the planet, taking down any remaining people in Moriarty's network had led to this moment. Victory was so close I could feel it. I laid on my front, filled my sniper and started shooting at the men in the building opposite, whilst humming to myself. I watched as they all dropped to the floor, that was the first wave of them. I pushed myself off the floor and jumped across the street into the window of the building, landing silently on the ground. 

I strolled through the building, my footsteps silent and undetectable. Behind me, the light from the moon lit the room, reflecting against the pools of blood from the bodies that was scattered throughout the room. I climbed up the stairs until I reached a small door. I pressed my ear against it and listened, there were people.

"She's here, she took out the men downstairs."


"Yes, she's here. Find her and kill her, for M." 

"For M." 

The door opened and I was pressed against a wall as a group of men with guns rushed past me, not noticing me. The door shut and I followed down the stairs undetected, waiting the room where I had murdered the previous lot. They all looked at the bodies on the floor and at each other. I stepped into the room and started firing at everyone, soon there was a fresh pool of blood above the dried one. 

"Nghh..." came a groan from the ground. I looked down to a man by my ankle, barely breathing and reaching for a gun, but I shot him in the head and he fell dead to the floor. I walked back up the stairs, pulling a knife out of my pocket. This was a knife that I had been saving for when I would kill the last of Moriarty's men, the last and special kill that would signify the end of the mission, and my return to Baker Street. 

I stood outside the door again, sure enough I heard the sound of scared breathing. I kicked down the door and pushed the last remaining man against the wall. 

"I knew sooner or later you'd show up." He snarled at me, baring his stained teeth. 

"I've been waiting for this moment to come for a year." 

"You're not going to be able to kill me."

"Watch me." I threatened. He pushed my backwards and onto the ground, stepping on my chest so that I couldn't get up. 

"Not bad, old man." I taunted.

"You're not too bad your- Fuck!" I used my elbow to hit his knee backwards, giving me time to roll away from his hold. I got up and flicked a few bits of stray hair out of my face, before pressing him against the wall and slowly dragging the blade of the knife across his forehead. He screeched in pain whilst trails of blood started trickling down his face. 

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