Chapter 13: A date with Mr Holmes

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"He asked you on a date?" Regina exclaimed.

"Shh, don't let anyone else hear. John will take the piss if he knows." 

"I won't, but he actually asked you on a date??"

"I'm just as surprised as you are, so don't give me that look." I put on some earrings that matched the outfit I was wearing. A dark brown sweater with a white skirt and beige overcoat. 

"They don't look nice by the way." Regina commented. 

"Shut up Regina." I groaned. She laughed and came over to hug me.

"Regina, it's not like I'm getting married, you can stop overreacting now."

"I'm sure the invites will be going round in a couple of days." She joked. I rolled my eyes at her.

"I'll see you later." I said, walking out of the room and downstairs, where Sherlock was waiting. For once, he wasn't wearing his long overcoat, but rather a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and black jeans. Sherlock in jeans was a sight I thought I was never going to see. 

"You look very different." Although I didn't mind this look at all, it made Sherlock seem a lot less intimidating and more... normal. 

"As do you, shall we go?" He held out an arm for me, which I grabbed. Then we went out the front door into the busy London nightlife. 


"Dim sum, Chow mien and fried rice with one champagne and one whisky, that'll be all." 

The waiter nodded and left, leaving me and Sherlock alone. I was nervously fiddling with my chopsticks and avoiding Sherlock's intense stare. Eventually, I decided to break the ice.

"So, why did you ask me on a date? You said you weren't interested in that kind of stuff."

"You said you weren't interested either, yet you still slept with Irene Adler." 

"Fair point." I gulped and focused on my chopsticks again, which were a very nice shade of dark red, very smooth and smelt like wood. 

"As interesting as the chopsticks are, I think you'd much rather be staring at me, am I correct?" 

"Yes, you are..." I said under my breath, still avoiding his gaze. I felt a hand under my chin, and he lifted my face up so I was facing him. He leant over the table and whispered into my ear.

"So look at me, no one's stopping you." 

He let go and I made eye contact with him. I looked closely into his eyes, they were blue? Green? Grey? I couldn't tell, but they were so beautiful. His cheekbones were prominent, so sharp that I would probably cut myself on them. He cupped a hand to my face, and brought me closer to him.

"Good girl..." 

We were interrupted by the waiter who brought our food, looking slightly concerned. 

"Enjoy your meal sir, ma'am." He then awkwardly walked off as quick as he could. I had a feeling he would not be serving us again. I took a piece of dim sum and tried it, it was definitely the best Chinese I had eaten a while. 

"You still haven't answered my question, why did you ask me on a date?"

Sherlock stayed quiet for a second, focusing on food before answering. 

"Like I said, when two people who are just friends or more like each other very much, they spend time together on a date."

"And what are we?"

"Whatever you want us to be."

"Why me, Sherlock?"

"Because you're just like me, high-functioning sociopath who couldn't feel anything, until we met someone that was just like us." 

"Seems like two wrongs do make a right in this case then." 

"Indeed they do, have you finished your food?"

"Yeah, we should bring the rest back to Mrs Hudson." 

Sherlock called a different waiter over and we packed the leftovers into a box, paid the bills then left. 

"So, where do you want go now?" He asked me.

"Let's do something exciting." I suggested. 

"Let's go stargazing." He smirked and we ran down some streets and climbed up some stairs so that we could see the London skyline and the stars. 

"Pity there's so much light in London at night, if we were in the countryside then we could see a lot more." 

"Yes, but you can still see Orion, Cassiopeia and the plough clearly, along with countless other stars." He pointed every one of them out to me one by one and I marvelled at his knowledge. I loved it when he would go on about random stuff.


We laid there peacefully for a few hours, with just the sound of London nightlife and the sound of us breathing. I glanced at my watch, half past ten.

"We should be getting back now, it's half past ten. They'll be suspicious if we're gone too long." 

"We'll go back then." We got up and I was about to climb down the stairs when Sherlock stopped me.

"Let's take the exciting route." He ran and jumped across a ledge onto the next building, I followed and we got back to Baker Street in a matter of minutes after jumping across buildings. I unlocked the back window and we both clambered through back into the flat. I walked over to my bedroom door and opened it. 

"Well, it's been a fun night Sher-" I froze in my tracks to see Mrs Hudson, John, Regina and Ezra all staring at me with their arms crossed. 

"What is it?" Sherlock asked and walked into my room. He froze too, and we both looked at each other.

"I told you they were out together! Where's my tenner?" Mrs Hudson exclaimed. John pulled a ten pound note out of his pocket and handed it to Mrs Hudson. 

"You guys made a bet?"

"Of course we did, you two have been gone for five hours! So what have you two been doing?" 

"Um, we were out..."

"We were out on a date." Sherlock came and put his arm firmly around my shoulder. John's jaw almost dropped to the floor and Mrs Hudson squealed. 

"You asked him on a date?"

"Well no, he asked me."



The room burst out in noise and I decided it was best to just leave until everyone had calmed down a little bit. I went into the living room and pulled a blanket over myself, before falling asleep smiling. 

A/N: SHORT CHAPTER AS A FILLER BECAUSE IT DOESNT AFFECT THE PLOT MUCH OTHER THAN FLIRTING BECAUSE IM WRITING CHAPTER 14 BECAUSE I JUST HAD IDEAS! Also i have to isolate for 5 days because my school is dumb and every other school doesnt have the isolation for covid rule any more 

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