Chapter 12: More to deal with

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TW: Needles (I REALLY hate needles and injections, so I'm gonna put a warning)

Regina and I glanced at each other, a little unconvinced. Ezra fell forward onto his knees out of exhaustion and took a few deep breaths. 

"Who are you?" 

"I think you meant what am I?"

"Yeah whatever, get on with it." I picked up a dagger that the now-dead french assassin had, and held it at this Ezra guy.

"I just choked the life out of someone with my hands and you think I'm scared of that?" He mocked. I moved the knife and pressed the blade into his forehead, he looked up at me, almost taunting me. 

"Fine, Mr Jay. What are you?" Regina demanded, standing with her arms crossed. 

"Exactly the same as you. An assassin, and a traitor." 

"Care to elaborate?" 

"The curators, they have a... let's say twin organisation. What they did with you girls, well people were bound to get ideas... A 'twin' organisation was created, with boys. For years, our target was taking out the curators so that we could get the upper hand. That was until they discovered us. They sent an entire group and most of us were wiped out. A few of us lived, but we were only trained harder and harsher. So I escaped, and I've been on the run ever since." 

"And that french assassin you just killed?" 

"Oh, them? Never met them." 

"So how did you know where we were?"

"I've been tracking Regina for weeks, my plan was to kill her until you managed to get her onto your side at that new years party."

"So what do you want?" Regina questioned. 

"If you will accept my offer, I want to help you. I want the curators gone as much as you do, and then I can get rid of my organisation too. If you don't accept, I'll leave you alone."

"We'll talk about this later, we need to go see Molly." I took out my phone and called Molly.

"Ava? How are you?" She said from the other end of the phone.

"Good, thank you Molly. I've got a new one for you, half an hour so really fresh."


The three of us, well four of us if you counted the body in the body bag that Ezra was carrying over his shoulder, stood in the lift awkwardly waiting for it to get to the 5th floor. 

"This isn't how I thought our girls day out was going to end." I whispered to Regina. 

"I was hoping that we would get to watch a movie or something, but this is more interesting." She replied. Ezra looked at us with a questioning look on his face, but we shrugged it off and waited for the lift to finally arrive at the fifth floor.

The door opened and we went down the corridor to the mortuary. Molly was examining a body and smiled when she saw us come in.

"Ava! Have you got the body?" Regina gave me a confused look. 


Just go with it. 

She rolled her eyes at me.

"Molly, I'd like you to meet an old friend of mine, Regina. And Ezra, a new friend." Ezra shook her hand and placed the body on a slab. Molly unzipped the bag and took a good look at the body, taking off the mask and jotting down notes.

"Well?" I asked impatiently. 

"Female, early thirties... No visible bruises, it's as if she choked on something..." 

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