033. Sister

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(Chaos Rising)

Scott, Derek and Sage were looking at the side of the abandoned bank from the allyway they were standing in. "What?" Derek asked looking at the thoughtful expression on Scotts face. "It's just something I can't get out of my head" the beta dismissed. "The moons rising Scott, what is it?" Derek urged. "Risk and reward" He stated.

"Which means what?" Derek pressed. "We're not measuring the risk with enough information. We don't know enough" Scott explained. "We know times running out" Derek sighed. "He's right Scott, if we want to get them out of there alive we have to act now" Sage said agreeing with her brother.

"Yeah but think about it. The put the triskele on your door 4 months ago. What have they been doing all this time? Why wait until now?" Scott asked. "We don't have the time to figure out every little detail" Derek stressed.

"But what if this detail, the one why they waited, is the most important one?" Scott tried. "Then that would make us as good as dead, but like Derek said we were given a short amount of time in which we have the chance to save our friends and if we don't take it god knows what will happen to them. We don't have time to second guess ourselves Scott" Sage huffed.

"I know what I'm risking, my life for theirs" Derek stated before starting to climb the building. "You don't have to be involved Scott but your not gonna spot us" Sage finalized as she followed after her brother. "I won't blame you if you don't follow me" Derek told Scott sending him one last glance.

Scott took a second before following after the Hale siblings.


Derek punched through the wall into the vault and send the three wolves tumbling into the room. The three of them saw Boyd standing not looking at them. "Boyd" the alpha called out but received nothing but a low growl in response. This wasn't good.

Boyd walked closer to the three of them as he starting growling more aggressively. "Boyd?" Derek tried again. "It's me, it's Derek" he said trying to make some kind of connection to the boy in front of him. "We're here to get you out okay" Derek said softly as himself and Sage advanced towards him whilst Scott took a frantic call from Stiles.

"It's alright Boyd, we're gonna help you" Sage assured. "Derek, Sage. We've got a problem, a big problem" Scott told them just as another wolf came from behind the corner. Sage gasped in shock as Derek just stared at the girl for a second. "Cora?" He asked. "Who?" Scott asked. "Cora?" Sage repeated.

"Sage, Derek, get out. Get out now" Cora ordered. Whilst Sage and Derek were stood in shock the door was opened and a woman placed mountain ash in the entrance locking them in. The three wolves didn't have enough time to escape before they were locked in a room with two rogue betas who'd not seen moonlight in three months.

Derek, Sage and Scott attempted to fight off Boyd and Cora but they were too strong even for an alpha, they were losing their connection to their human side and were allowing their wolf sides to be fully in control which made them stronger and more dangerous than a normal wolf.

The three of them stood against the wall catching their breath as they waiting for Cora and Boyd to get up. "You know her" Scott asked frantically. "She our sister. Sages twin sister" Derek replied. "What's she doing here?" Scott urged. "Like I have I clue. I thought she was dead" Derek yelled.

"Yeah, I may have forgotten to mention that both of us survived when I arrived" Sage added sheepishly. "Seriously Sage" her brother exasperated. "I was still getting over the shock that you were alive" the girl defended. "Look out" Allison yelled catching there attention.

Cora attacked Sage and the two fought back and fourth. "Get a hold of your self Cora". Sage grumbled but was just growled at in response. "7 years without seeing you and now your trying to kill me, this is just great" Sage rambled as she attempted to keep her sister from doing and serious damage to either of them.

Boyd was close to killing Scott and Sage let Derek keep Cora away from her as she ran to help. Allison bent down to break the seal so she could help but was stopped when Derek yelled at her not to. The huntress thought for a second before defying Derek's orders.

"Boyd" she yelled before breaking the seal freeing the rogue werewolves who saw their chance and fled. Derek angrily stomped towards Allison and grabbed her arms. "Don't touch her" Scott defended but went ignored. "What we're you thinking" the alpha yelled. "That I had to do something" Allison defended. "She saved our lives" Scott agreed.

"But just potentially killed others, they have no control and now we have a problem that's bigger than the four of us" Sage sighed. "What do you think they're gonna do out there? Do you have any idea of what we just set free?" Derek yelled. "You wanna blame me? Well I am not the one turning teenagers into killers" The huntress shot back.

"No. No, that's just the rest of your family" Derek shrugged. "I've made mistakes, Gerard is not my fault" The human girl said more calmly. "And what about your mother?" Derek asked. "Derek" Sage warned, Scott didn't want Allison to know what had happened the night her mother died.

"What do you mean?" She asked. Derek was silent for a minute as he stared at Scott. "Tell her Scott" the alpha urged. "What does he mean Scott?" The Argent questioned as she stared at the beta. "What does he mean?" She urged when she got no response.

And with that Scott was forced to admit what had really happened the night that Allison Argents mother had died.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2022 ⏰

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