002.Rest easy big brother

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"Quick Sage if we go this way we can get back to the house before Derek and Laura come back and see we're gone" an 11 year old Cora shouted to her twin sister as they ran. "Then we better hurry they will never let us leave again if they knew we were out here" Sage yelled back. "It's fine Derek and Peter come out here all the time" Cora explained laughing. They continued towards the house abruptly stopping when they got close enough to see it engulfed with flames. "Quick we've gotta help them Sage, they'll all die in there" Cora spoke trying to rush towards the house. "We can't Cora. It's to late we were too late. Their gone their all gone" Sage told the younger twin pulling her back. "No, we- If we hadn't left like you said we could have saved them" Cora stated. "If we hadn't have left we'd be in there dead to, but then at least we wouldn't be alone. We'd be with our family" Sage sorrowfully spoke. "We just became orphans" Cora said which made both twins realize the situation they were in. They were completely and utterly alone with only each other's company to keep them sane.

"What are we gonna do Cora. Derek always helped us how are we gonna do this without him, without any of them" She exasperated. "We run. Yeah, we need to run" Cora assured. "They might come back if they realize anyone survived so you get a bus and head South and I'll get a bus and head North. In six years on this day we'll find each other here again when it's safe okay it's better for us to split to keep us safe I don't want to loose you too" Sage told her sister. "Your sure?" The younger of the two questioned. "Yes and when we come back we'll avenge our family they won't get away with this I promise" Sage promised. "I love you Sage, just in case we die" Cora told her sister. "I love you Cora always, just in case we die but don't die I'll be expecting you" The teary eyed girls embraced before turning and separating for what would seem like an eternity. Six years would make or break them. Six years is the longest the twins would ever be separated. When they separated a piece of the others soul left with them keeping them connected always.

Sage stopped half way before having to get on her second bus she walked into a clearing making a small grave to honor her late brother, the rest of her family and herself. Sage Hale burnt in the fire that day leaving a hollow shell of what once was.

"I'm sorry Derek, I should have pushed harder to make you see that Kate was trouble and now your gone and Cora and I separated. I don't know how to do this alone, I miss you and could really do with your help. Rest easy big brother" Sage spoke before wiping her tears and leaving behind her home town hopefully never to return the only exception being six years from that day when she would fulfill her promise to her sister and return home where the twins would reunite and make two halves a whole again.

Although things don't always go to plan the way we want them to...


I'm really liking the Sage and Derek parallels and I'm probably going to do more throughout the book because their personalities are so similar hence the reason they get on so well.

Sage is Dereks favourite sibling and Derek is Sages favourite other than Cora of course because there twins.

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