011.Out of control

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(Parts from Venomous)

"Sage, I need you to come with me to talk to Derek" Scott stated. "What for?" She questioned. "I need your help to convince Derek Lydia's not the kanima" he told her. "Have you met my brother? He thinks she's the kanima already it's too late, you've just gotta let it play out and hope she's not dead by the end of it" Sage laughs exasperatedly.

"I thought you wanted to be friends with us and try and help us save her" He tried. "I don't want to be your friend Scott, I just don't want you dead. Derek is my brother and family comes first. I don't have much of it left so of course I'm gonna stick with him. I can help you but I'm on Derek's side" Sage explained.


Sage had left the school and headed to where Derek was training his betas to try and find out his plan. "Whose side are you on Sage?" Derek questioned his sister. "Well I was on your side but your proving to be not very trustworthy" Sage said narrowing her eyes. "I'm not trustworthy. Your friends with the enemy" The alpha exasperated.

"The enemy? The enemy is the kanima not Scott. Besides Scott is not my friend" she told him seriously. "You were with them at the school when we were testing Lydia and don't think I didn't see you distracting Isaac. Don't go there with him Sage" He warned. "I wouldn't have been with them at the school if you'd told me your plan in the first place. And don't go where with Isaac this has nothing to do with your betas" she argued.

"You were with Stiles when the kanima attacked and you were with Scott, Stiles and Allison in your chemistry class when you should of been helping Isaac and Erica. And don't be stupid Sage I've seen how Isaac acts around you and you'd be lying if you said you didn't notice" Derek fumed.

"I wouldn't have been with them if you'd told me your plans. I'm your sister Derek and somewhere in your stupid quest for power you seem to have forgotten that. What the hell was I supposed to do walk up to Isaac and Erica and ask what the plan was, are you seriously that idiotic. They are your pack not mine, my pack is back in Idaho; I left the people I cared about behind because of rumors that you were alive. You know I don't believe in all that crap but I'm thinking this was a mistake I should have stayed in Idaho and let you think I was dead" Sage hissed before storming out.


"Woah are you okay?" Isaac asked concerned for the girl who was clearly very angry. "Get out of my way Isaac" Sage warned slowly loosing control of her wolf side. "You need to calm down, I can't let you leave when your this angry or someone without supernatural healing is going to get hurt" he said cautiously. "And if you don't move your gonna be the one to get hurt" she spat at him. "Well I can heal" he told her faking confidence.

Sage was now fully turned and snarled at Isaac as she attacked him. The two fought for a while Isaac holding her off as best he could before she finally got him down and dug her claws in his stomach making him groan in pain. "Sage" he breathed out blood coating his lips. This made the girl finally snap out of whatever rampage she was going on and look down at the boy in fear.

"Oh my god. I- I don't know what to do, why aren't you healing" She said wide eyes. "Find Derek" he told her through laboured breaths. "No I can't leave you here, if I leave now you'll die" She stressed trying to think of a plan. "Okay, you can do this Sage" she reassured her self trying to hide the tears gathering in her eyes before grabbing the boys hand and attempting to take his pain.

"What are you doing?" He asked concerned at the black veins going up her arms and neck as he felt his pain disappearing. "Helping you before I have to hurt you again" the she wolf told him scared for his reaction. "What? What do you mean" Isaac stressed. "I've got to make your healing kick in and that means this is going to hurt so I apologize in advance" She forced a smile smelling his fear growing.

"Okay on the count of three. One. Two" she told him before digging her claws into his arm making him groan before sighing in relief as his injuries began to heal. She breathed out calming down and pushing away the fear she had previously felt. After he was fully healed Sage helped him off the floor before making sure he was fully okay and forcefully shoving him backwards.

"What the hell was that for" he quizzed surprised. "What was that for? Your an idiot. I told you to move out the way but no you just had to be the damn hero. I could have killed you" she scowled. "Well you didn't" he smirked. "Are you being serious right now. Your insufferable" She stated before trying to walk past him.

"You were worried about me" he smiled smugly. "I wasn't worried for you, I was worried for my self if you had just died I would of had to train a new beta from the beginning meaning I would have to spend more time with cocky, stuck up teenagers" She told him. "Your a teenager. And don't lie Sage it's okay to admit that you care about me, I saw the tears and your not so bad your self" he teased.

"I don't like you Isaac and I definitely don't care about you" she finalized pushing passed him. "You know I can smell emotions right and I just heart your heart skip a beat. Your just lying to yourself Sage" he shouted after her being flipped off in return. "She's right your an idiot" Derek told him coming out from his hiding spot making Isaacs head snap towards him.

"And whatever game your playing with my sister don't even think about it. Whatever that is stop it right now, it won't be her getting hurt it'll be you. I'm pretty sure she's not gonna stick around much longer anyway" Derek said sighing. "I don't know what your talking about nothings going on and what do you mean she'd not gonna stick around" Isaac replied a bit to quickly. "But you want it to and she talks about this family she stayed with in Idaho a lot I think she wants to go back" Derek stated.


"Sage, where the hell are you?" Derek shouted through the phone. "Well about that, I'm on a bus" She replied smoothly. "A bus. Going where" He asked suspiciously. "Idaho" she told him cautiously. "Idaho. You left and you didn't even tell me" he shouted. "Oh don't be so dramatic I'll be back in a day or two I just needed to do something and I need to get the rest of my stuff anyways" She explained.

"Alright as long as your coming back. Oh and you were right" he said relieved muttering the last part. "And how much did that pain you to say" She laughed. "A whole lot" he chuckled. "So what was I right about anyways, it could have been a lot of things" she told him smugly. "Lydia's not the kanima" He sighed. Sage laughed loudly at her brothers misery. "Oh that is amazing. So that makes Lydia immune like me. You so owe Scott one huge ass apology" she tormented.

"So I'm guessing Scott's little pack of humans and a hunter tricked you because there is no way that you just backed down" she stated more than questioned. "He tricked Isaac and Erica" he mumbled. "Isaac I get but Erica seriously I hand picked her myself I'm disappointed" the girl sighed. "You know Scott's friends are blindly loyal to him like he's an alpha" Derek said curiously like he wanted his sister to explain why.

"Because he's a trustworthy person and he keeps people safe" Sage told her brother smiling to herself. "So what your saying is that I should be worried about him becoming alpha" Derek uttered. "Oh god no. Scott killing you to become alpha. I can't see it, he wouldn't harm anyone that's why people follow him" Sage declared. After Derek finished explaining everything it was time for Sage to switch busses and continue the remaining 7 hours of her journey to Idaho.


I didn't really want to write this episode plus I like the whole Sage almost killing Isaac thing and Sage pretending not to care about Isaac is my favourite thing.

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