006.Buliding blocks

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(Ice pick)

"What the hell do you mean I have to go to school" Sage angrily questions her brother. "I mean you still have to go to school, who else is going to keep on eye out on Scott" Derek tells his sister amused. "Oh I don't know, maybe that guy you bit. What was his name again? Isaiah" She states. "Isaac" He corrects. "Yeah same thing. Why can't he do it?" The girl asks. "Because he's not in full control yet" Derek explains. "Fine but you owe me for this" Sage agrees.


"Alright next, two. New girl, Erica, let's go. The wall" Coach shouts. Sage starts climbing the wall before stopping when she sees Erica struggling. "Hey, you good" she whispers. "Yeah, just go ahead I'm good" Erica shakily replies. "Who the hell is that?" Scott questions Stiles. "You've gotta be kidding me right, that's Derek's sister she was in are grade. Why the hell were they given such good genes?" Stiles explains.

"Sage" he exclaims his eyes widening. "Yep" He sighs staring at the girl. "I thought she died in the fire with everyone else" Scott said. "Well clearly not, and considering Derek's reaction he didn't know she survived either" Stiles told his best friend "What about her sister the one who went to that prep school" The wolf questioned. "Dead I guess" Stiles winced.

"Hey new girl, that's a new record. What's your name" Coach asked. "Hale. Sage Hale" she smiled which cause everyone to break out into whispers. Erica started panting and having a panic attack which caused the whispers to stop as everyone stared at the petrified girl on the wall. "Erica, dizzy?" Coach called out. "Is it vertigo?" He questioned.

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out" the strawberry blonde explained. "Erica" he called again causing the students to start laughing. "I'm fine" she shouted shakily. "Coach maybe it's not safe. You know she epileptic" Allison explained. "W-w-why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff? Epileptic? Erica, your fine. Just kick off from the wall. There's, there's a mat to catch you" Coach told the nervous girl. "Its okay, just take a breath and push yourself away from the wall" Sage assured.

Erica walked out of the gym embarrassed leaving a bunch off laughing people behind her. "Why don't you shut the hell up and leave her alone assholes" Sage snapped glaring at the now silent teenagers before following Erica out of the gym. "She's brave. I like her and that is going to be our new best friend Allison" Lydia told the girl next to her.

"Hey, it's Erica right?" Sage asked as she walked into the bathroom to find the girl crying. "Oh, um, yeah" she spoke turning around to wipe her eyes. "Are you alright? People can be pretty rude and demeaning" Sage asked gently. "Why would you care." She asked defensively preparing herself for Sage to turn around and laugh at her. "Because people are staring at me too, there not laughing because I could quite easily beat one of them up without a problem but they still stare all the same" Sage smiled.

"They stare because they thought you were dead but they stare at me because I'm a freak" Erica exasperated. "Your not a freak Erica, and if they wanna talk about you, let's give them something to talk about" Sage confidently stated. "Like what" the blonde questioned. "I'm gonna give you a make over. What do you wanna start with?" The wolf excitedly questioned. "I want to try the wall again" she told the girl. "Your sure?" Sage questioned. "Yes" she assured.


"You got this Erica, I'll be right here waiting for your to reach the bottom again" Sage told her new friend as she gripped onto the climbing wall. Erica began to climb the wall before she randomly stopped. "Erica, your okay. Just take a breather" Sage assured nervously, scared for her new friend. Erica started hyperventilating more as a metallic taste started to grow in her mouth. "Sage" The scared girl called out.

"I'm right here, don't worry I'm not going anywhere. If you need me to come up and get you just tell me" Sage shouted back. Erica stared seizing and fell so Sage ran forwards and caught her as Scott, Stiles, Alison and other students ran into the gym. "Put her on her side" Allison instructed and Sage quickly complied. "How'd you know we were in here" Sage questioned. "I just felt it" Scott breathlessly answered making Sage smirk to herself. Derek had hugely underestimated how much control the young wolf had.


"I think I found you a new beta to add to your little pack Derek" Sage told her brother walking into the the abandoned building he'd claimed. "Our pack, I'm rebuilding the Hale pack and last time I checked your last name was Hale" Derek corrected. "Well technically where I was staying all these years new me as Sage Montgomery, harder to track my origin and the people who's name it is are like family so unless we're on about biological names then-" Sage trailed off.

"What?" Derek asked. "That's a story for another time" Sage smiled at the dumbfounded look on her brothers face. "Who's this potential werewolf then" He questioned. "Her name is Erica Reyes and she's a perfect choice if I do say so myself" Sage said smugly. "Well take me to this perfect choice of yours then" Derek said amused. "I will" she teased before walking out of the building her brother hot on her trail.

"Well this isn't creepy at all" Sage muttered as her brother pushed Erica's bed into an empty room. "Sage" Erica asked shakily whilst sitting up to which the girl returned a smile. "Side effects may include anxiety, weight gain, acne, ulcerative colitis. Yeesh" Derek spoke. "I'm sure she knows the side effects of the pills she takes Derek" Sage told her brother rolling her eyes at his whole mysterious act. "Who are you?" The nervous blonde asked glancing at Sage.

"Let's just say we have a mutual friend, and you clearly know Sage over here" he says suspiciously. "You get a warning right before you have a seizure" Derek stated more than asked. "It's called an aura" she corrected. "It's... it's like a metallic taste in my mouth" she explained. "You don't have to lie, Erica. What's it really taste like?" Derek said softly making Sage raise her eyebrows at her brothers communication skills. "It tastes like blood" she shakily spoke. "What if I told you that all of this could go away. The side effects. The symptoms. All of it" He spoke pulling her close to him as if he was about to kiss her.

"Wow, creepy" Sage muttered in a sing song tone making Derek shoot her a glare. "And what if all those things not only went away but everything else got even better?" He told her tucking a strand of hair behind her ear making the other girl widen her eyes at the uncomfortable situation she was in. "How?" Erica asked quietly. "I'm gonna show you" he said flashing his eyes at her making her snap her head towards Sage. "Remember that make over i told you about? Well this is how we do it" She explained flashing her yellow eyes at the girl.


This episode is going to have to be split in half because this chapter is already 1000+ words long and I'm only a third of the way through the episode. But anyway I love how Sage is literally looking after all of Derek's betas. It's going onto really effect her when Boyd and Erica die and that's going to cause a whole chain of events which will be deeper explained at the end of this book and the begging of the next one and I can't wait to write it because I have it all planned out and I am extremely inpatient.

Also remember the name Montgomery that's gonna be important and the end of the book and the beginning of the next book, that's all I'm saying...

Anyways sorry that Isaac isn't in this chapter but I'm trying to build Sages relationships with her friends first before I bring in Sisaac or Isage. (I need some ship names because I'm not really liking either of those.) Isaac and Sages relationship is going to be quite a slow burn but not to slow because I can't handle the anticipation. :)

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