026. This is reality

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(Master Plan)

Riley and Stiles had been let go, after Stiles showed Riley where to find Sage he went home to face his dad. "Look I told you, I looked everywhere" Riley heard Derek sigh. The blonde took a deep breath before walking into what was once the Hale house.

Sage felt the younger girls presence immediately and turned around her eyes widening in shock. "What the hell happened?" Sage practically demanded holding Rileys face by her chin as she tilted it so she could see her busted lip better.  This caught the attention of the three others in the room. The two Hales stood in confusion as they were yet to learn who the younger girl was.

"I'm fine, I tried to help Stiles and he just elbowed me. It's just a popped lip, I can handle it. It doesn't even hurt anymore" Riley tried to reassure. "Who, who did this Riley?" Sage asked checking her sister for any other injuries. "Stiles said his name was Gerard. He's a hunter and he said I'd be good leverage to get you to cooperate" The seer sighed.

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch" Sage growled. "There's something else" Riley added. "He has your friends, Erica and Boyd. I'm not sure whether he's planning to let them go or if he's going to kill them but it didn't look good, they were attached to electric wires and we couldn't release them" She warned.

Peter had begun to get bored of standing around so he butted in. "Sorry, to break whatever this is up, but first of who the hell even are you and two you told us that Jackson might come back so hurry this up Sage" He told her smiling fakely. "Oh, right. Derek, Peter this is my sister. Riley Montgomery. Riley, this is my brother Derek and my uncle Peter" Sage introduced awkwardly.

"Montgomery, as in the family from Idaho" Derek asked confused. "Yeah, there's a reason she's here. One that I can't explain just yet but trust me there's a bigger threat than Jackson coming" Sage told her family who just glanced at each other.

"Scott, you go and meet Isaac, I'm going to take Riley back to my apartment and I'll come and find you all later" Sage said a she led her sister out of the house she used to call her home. It was weird to think that there truly was nothing left of her childhood other than her brother, uncle and her sister who was yet to return home.


"You can't make me stay here whilst you go out and fight the hunter Sage. You know why I'm here and not with my aunt. My mom told you what she saw and she told you what I saw. I know that you know what we predicted Sage" Riley argued. "Exactly, predicted. What's done is done we can't change the future. I'll die not matter what we do, but I can still make sure you don't go down with me" Sage exasperated.

"What if you die and I don't get to say goodbye" Riley asked. "You will get to say goodbye because it's not my time yet Ri, I know your worried but I also know that it's not Gerard who kills me. You know that too, I'll see you when I get back I love you" Sage said as she walked to the door. "I love you too" Riley sighed.

Deep down she knew it wasn't Sage's time but it didn't worry her any less, she didn't see her family's death but they still died, things could still happen if if she didn't see them, that's what bothered Riley Montgomery the most. Why could she see things but have no capability to change them.


Derek had messaged Sage the plan and where too meet them. He also informed her that once again she was right and Jackson had in fact resurrected. When Sage arrived she was about to ask what was going on until she saw Isaac get shot with an arrow knocking him down.

"Allison" Scott gasped in shock before he turned to look at Sage who groaned after also being hit but with a paralytic arrow. "I swear to god, i'm not bothered if we're friends Allison shoot me one more time and I'll rip your tongue from your head" She growled. "That's impossible. It's not supposed to be possible" Gerard muttered looking at a very unparalyzed Sage.

"What's impossible old man, that I'm not paralyzed. I'm aware but it's also very helpful" She growled attacking Jackson as he ran at her. Chris Argent held Jackson off as Scott and Sage dragged Isaac to safety away from the kanima until he was in healed.

The werewolves all flashed their claws as Jackson started attacking them, they all attacked him helping each other by making sure none of them got paralyzed in the process. Derek and Scott had been knocked down so Sage ran forwards and attacked the kanima before he scratched her across the stomach as he did to her brother previously.

The siblings lay side by side on the ground as they both groaned waiting for their injuries to heal. Isaac saw his apha and Sage on the ground and went to help but was stopped by Allison who attacked him stabbing him with knives until he fell to the ground where all he could do was wait to heal like the rest of them.

Allison moved forwards to kill Derek but was stopped by Jackson who grabbed her by the throat. "Not yet, sweetheart" Gerard yelled as he reappeared. "what are you doing?" The huntress asked. "He's doing what he came here to do" Scott said already having pieced together what was going on.

"Then you know" Gerard spoke. "What is he talking about?" Allison asked him. "It was that night outside the hospital, wasn't it, when I threatened your mother. I knew I saw something in your eyes. You could smell it could you?" Gerard said more than asked as he looked in at Scott.

"He's dying" Isaac realised. "I am, I have been for a while now. Unfortunately science doesn't have a cure for cancer yet. But the supernatural does" He smirked. Allison began to gasp for breath as Jackson tightened his hold, catching everyone's attention. "You monster" Chris spat at his father.

"Not yet" Gerard replied plainly. "What are you doing?" The huntress asked desperately. "you'll kill her too?" Chris seethed. "When it comes to survival, I'd kill my own son" Gerard stated fiercely. Gerard called Scott over and he easily complied as he switched back to his human form and walked towards Sage and Derek.

Derek tried to tell Scott not to go through with it but went ignored, Gerard admitted that he would be an alpha and that Scott was doing all of this so he could be with Allison. Gerard stepped forwards and looked at Sage who was slowly beginning to heal. "Alphas can take power Sage and you have a lot of it, it's a shame you didn't work out how strong you actually are" He grinned.

Gerard got bitten by Derek and the bite immediately rejected which was when Scott revealed his plan all along and that he'd switched Gerards tablets for mountain ash screwing him over from the start.


Isaac, Derek, Sage and Peter were at the old Hale house looking at the door. "You haven't told him everything  yet have you?" Peter drawled. "What do you mean?" Isaac questioned. "Why do you think Derek was in such a hurry to build his pack? So eager to strengthen his power and his numbers? When there's a new alpha people tend to take notice. Take Sage for example she knew about Derek and she was in a complete different state" Peter sighed.

"People like who?" Isaac pushed. "What is this? What does this mean?" Isaac asked wiping his fingers against the symbol painted on the door. "It's their symbol. And it means their coming" Derek explained. "Who?" Isaac responded. "Alphas" The alpha sighed. "More than one?" The beta quizzed.

"A pack of them" Derek added. "An alpha pack. And their not coming, they're already here" Peter added. "I think it's time I explained the real reason Riley came to live with me instead of with her family in Idaho" Sage sighed. "It's because of what she saw right. The vision" Isaac stated making Peter and Derek tun to her confused.

"What vision?" Derek asked, this was news to him. "Riley's a seer, and her visions aren't just predictions anymore they're just visions of the future" Sage started trying to avoid the answer as much as possible. "What did she see Sage?" Peter urged. "I'm going to die, she saw me die" The only girl blurted shocking everyone. Even Isaac who wasn't aware the visions were definite'


Okay so we've finally made it to season 3! Lets just say there's going to be a time skip because i'm not going to write what happened with Sage and Isaac in the summer so when you read the start of next chapter your going to be like what!! But it'll all make sense because I'm going to write flashbacks about the summer.

Also the whole book will be edited before act 2 is posted

ATARAXIA//Isaac Lahey //[1] Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant