032. Denial

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(Chaos Rising)

"Erica is not dead" Derek denied. "Derek. He said there's a dead body. It's Erica. Doesn't exactly leave us much room for interpretation" Stiles pointed out. "Then who was in the vault with Erica" Derek asked frustrated. "The girl" Sage realized. "What girl?" Derek pushed. "The one from Riley's vision, Riley told us she saw someone else a girl with brown hair. That's whose in the vault with Boyd" Sage explained.

"What if that's how Erica died? They pit them against each other during the full moons and see which one survives. It's like werewolf thunder dome" Stiles suggested. "Then we get them out tonight" Derek urged. "Be smart about this Derek. You can't just go storming in" Deaton said trying to get through to the determined alpha.

"If Isaac got in, then so can we" Derek continued. "But he didn't get through a vault door did he?" The vet said. "That's a valid point Derek. Look I know you want to get them back, so do I but I think we need to plan this. Or we're gonna lose more people" Sage sighed trying to convince her brother of his recklessness.

"How are we going to come up with a plan to break into a bank vault in less than 24 hours?" The alpha asked. "Uh, I think someone already did" Stiles explained as he read a news article about the bank being robbed.

"It doesn't say here how it was robbed, but it won't take long to find out" the human boy told everyone. "How long?" Derek urged. "It's the internet" Stiles laughed. Derek didn't laugh he just glared at Stiles. "Minutes" Stiles scoffed in amusement.


Scott, Sage and Stiles headed to the Stilinskis house to find out how to break into the bank. It did not in fact take minutes as the three teens fell asleep during their search. "Kids" the sheriff said as he walked into Stiles room only to find them asleep. "Hey, time to wake up" Noah tried but still got no response.

Noah sighed before yelling "kids" this worked effectively as the three of them jolted awake. "I gotta get to work. You three get to school" The man ordered before walking away. "Dad. Heather" Stiles shouted before his father was out of ear shot. "Nothing yet" He sighed.

"Ten hours and nothing" Stiles said in frustration as he removed pieces of paper from his clothes that had gotten stuck there whilst he was sleeping. "We'll find something Stiles it's taking a while but we will" Sage assured. "We're gonna find something" Scott agreed.

"Finding something doesn't make Erica any less dead or Boyd any less about to be dead" Stiles exasperated. "Well, we still have time" Scott defended. "Is this the whole 'remain optimistic in the face of complete and utter disaster' thing apart of the 'be a better Scott McCall' program?" Stiles shot back.

"Stiles. Calm down, we are going to find Boyd alive. Scott's right we still have time so don't be so negative" Sage argued. Stiles sighed before nodding and picking up another piece of paper they had printed. Stiles grinned before running off and shouting for his dad. Scott and Sage looked at each other before picking up the discarded paper.

Noah Stilinski had done the arrest at the bank and was now the best lead they had to finding Boyd alive.

The three teens had finally made it to school now that Stiles had successfully found something worth showing Derek. "So we meet at Sage and Derek's apartment at 5:00 and we don't get started until it gets dark" Scott explains. "Okay what do we do until then?" Stiles asked.

"Right now? Go to English" Scott stated. "Stiles right now there's nothing we can do so live your life and act live a normal teenager whose living a boring life until 5:00" Sage laughed. "Normal teenager. Got it" The human boy muttered to himself.


Derek, Sage, Riley and Scott were gathered around blue prints as Stiles explained how the bank was first broken into. "Forget the drill. If I go in first how much space do I have?" Derek asked. "What do you think you're going to do Derek? You gonna punch through the wall?" Stiles challenged.

"Yes, Stiles. I'm going to punch through the wall" Derek smiled as he attempted not to laugh in Stiles face. "I can see this going very badly and that's not me predicting the future or anything this is just me seeing two idiots" Riley sighed. "I second that" Sage added.

"Okay, big guy, let's see that fist. Big old fist. I can take it, come on. Get it out there don't be scared" Stiles mocked as Derek put his fist up. Peter had come from his room and sat in the stairs as he stared at his nephew and the human boy with disgust.

"Okay, see this? That's maybe three inches of room to gather enough force to gather through solid-" Stiles stared but was cut off when Derek punched his hand and sent his flying to the ground. "Can't say we didn't warn you Stiles" Sage laughed.

"Aah" Stiles groaned pulling himself to his feet and clutching his hand. "He could do it" Stiles agreed. "I'll get through the wall. Who's following me down?" Derek asked. Sage had already decided she was going in the vault but whether Derek would let her was a different thing entirely.

"I will" Sage shrugged. "No" Derek answered plainly before looking at his uncle. "Don't look at me. I'm not up to fighting speed yet, and honestly it's Isaac out of commission, you're not looking at very good odds for yourself" Peter disagreed. "So I'm supposed to just let them die?" Derek shot back. "One of them is already dead" Peter stated. "We don't know that" Derek denied.

"Uncle Peter. I think that you should tell my brother that I'm more than capable of helping and me being there will increase his chances" Sage said in irritation. Peter looked towards his nephew with a grin before talking "you're sister is more than capable of helping and she should go with you because it would increase your chances" Peter rehearsed.

Sage grinned at her uncle before looking at her brother in accomplishment. "I can come too" Riley added. "No" Peter, Derek and Sage said in unison. "What? Why not, if Sage is going then why can't I" Riley huffed. "Sage is a werewolf" Derek started. "Which means supernatural speed and she can heal, you're a seer and can't do those things" Peter continued.

"You're practically human Ri, which means you'll be staying with Stiles because he also cannot heal and is very much fragile" Sage finished. "What about you?" Derek asked. "Yeah, if you want me to come I-" Stiles agreed but was cut off. "Not you, Sage is right. You're staying with Riley" Derek interrupted. "Scott" the alpha stated in question.

"I don't know about Erica. But if Boyd's still alive we have to do something. We have to try" Scott sighed. "But?" Derek urged. "Who's the other girl? The one locked in there with Boyd?" Scott asked.


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