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Sage grumbled to herself as she walked into detention and sat as far away from Jackson as possible without looking like a loner which happened to be next to Erica. "Oh uh, we can't be in detention together, I have a restraining order against these tools" Jackson explained sitting down opposite Matt.

"All of these tools?" Mr Harris mocked. "No, just us tools" Stiles butted in nodding towards Scott. "Fine. You two, over there" the man pointed to the empty table furthest away from Jackson. "Wake me up if he notices" Sage muttered to Erica as she lay on the desk. "And if he doesn't" the newer beta chuckled. "Then wake me up when it's time to leave" she sighed closing her eyes.


Sage was startled awake when Scott and Stiles sprinted over to the table she was at with Erica. "Stiles says you know how Jacksons parents died" Scott said abruptly causing the Hale girl to groan and sit up. "Well there goes my plan of sleeping until I got of this hell hole thanks" she smiled sarcastically. "Maybe" Erica smirked. "Talk" Scott urged. "It was a car accident. Are you guys seriously living under a rock it's common knowledge" Sage pointed out.

"No, it's really not" Stiles interrupted. "How do you know that? The only reason I know is because my dad was the insurance investigator and every time he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he's 18" Erica shared. "So not only is Jackson rich now, but he's getting even richer at 18?" Stiles asked in annoyance. "Yep" the blonde quipped. "There's something so deeply wrong with that" stiles sighed.

"I know why the hell does that jackass get to be rich, everything I inherited from my parents death was a load of crap that survived the fire oh and the vault but I have to share that. Screw you Kate Argent. May she rot" Sage said irritated gaining concerned looks from her friends. "Vault" Stiles repeated in question. "You don't even wanna know" she laughed.

"You know what, I could try and find the insurance report on my dads inbox he keeps everything" Erica cut in changing the conversation. As the blonde wolf opened her laptop again Scott was called to the principals office by Allison's mom. "Don't forget to look at the dates" Stiles advised. "Passengers arrived at the hospital DOA. The estimated time of death 9: 26 p.m June 14, 1995" Erica read. Stiles and Sage both looked at each other in realization. "Jackson's birthday is June 15th" Stiles clarified.


Harris packed his bags and got ready to leave for the end of the day so the six students left in detention not including Scott packed their bags ready to leave too. The man laughed "oh no, I'm sorry. Uh, yes, I'm leaving. But none of you are. You may go when your done with the re-shelving. Enjoy the rest of your evening" he chuckled patting the books and leaving. "That guy is seriously starting to take the piss, this is your fault Jackson so why don't you do the re-shelving and we'll go home" Sage smiled sarcastically.

"My fault, if you and your little friend Scott didn't attack me we wouldn't be here" the kanima spat walking up to the girl so they were staring each other down. "If you weren't such a dick to Allison we I wouldn't have had to put you in your place asshole" The wolf seethed her eyes glowing yellow, Stiles saw the girls claws come out and his eyes widened in fear so he rushed forwards and grabbed her. "How about you stay on that side and we'll stay on this side. Great idea" The buzz cut boy rushed out pulling the girl into one one of the isles where she couldn't accidentally expose herself to Matt.

"Okay calm down" Stiles nodded trying to calm her. "Just breath Sage, think of your anchor" Allison told her. "It doesn't work anymore" She said her voice getting deeper as she breathed heavily. "Well think of people who ground you, people you care about" Scott added as he walked over to them after he had seen what was happening as soon as he'd walked in.

ATARAXIA//Isaac Lahey //[1] Where stories live. Discover now