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"Where the hell have you been" Stiles questioned. "I like to be fashionably late" Sage smirks. "Although, I've been waiting long before you got here, what the hell were you doing and did it happen to have anything to do with the red head crying in her car" she raised her eyebrows in question. "She's strawberry blonde" Stiles muttered walking past her as the girl was chuckling at his flustered state.

"Hurry up Stiles your gonna get us caught" Sage seethed. "Well you come and help look then" he argued. "Then whose gonna keep watch, idiot" she groaned. "Just come and help" he responded. "Fine" the brunette agreed and helped search.

"Holy crap Erica" you scared the shit out of me" Sage muttered holding her chest. "Hello Stiles, Sage" she greeted. "Told you I should have kept watch" she murmured. "Ah, ah, ah" Stiles groaned as Erica dragged him with Sage walking along side them. "What the hell are you doing here?" Derek narrowed his eyes at his sister. "I was walking my fish" she deadpanned earning and unamused stare back. "What the hell do you think I'm doing asshole?" She argued. "Something you shouldn't be" he stated to which she smiled sarcastically in return.

"Stiles" Derek smiled. "Derek" he returned. "What did you see at the mechanics garage?" He questioned. "Uh, several alarming EPA violations that I'm seriously considering reporting" he told him. Making Derek and Erica laugh quietly as Derek squashed a basketball with his hands. "Holy God!" Stiles exclaimed. "That was so unnecessary. What a waste of a good ball. I could have used that" Sage snarked making her brother sigh and shake his head choosing to ignore her.

"Let's try that again" the alpha stated. "Alright the thing was pretty slick looking um, skin was dark, kind of pattered. I think I actually saw scales. Is that enough? Okay? Cause I have someone I really need to talk to" after receiving a glare he carried on. "Fine, eyes. Eyes are yellowish and slitted. It has a lot of teeth, oh and a tail too" Stiles explained, Derek and Erica looking more nervous by the second. "Are we good?" Sage questioned.

"What? Have you seen it?" Stiles asked looking at Erica's nervous face. "You have this look on your faces like you know exactly what hat I'm talking about" he states until he hears a hissing noise making him and Sage turn around. Sage and Erica both grunt getting slashed on the neck by the kanima before getting thrown against a wall. Derek's neck got sliced and stiles tried to drag him away before dropping his phone resulting in him dropping Derek making the wolf fall in the pool so Stiles had to jump in after him.

"Son of a bitch" Sage groaned rubbing the back of her neck and standing up laughing at the sight in front of her. "How the hell are you moving?" Derek questioned through gasping breaths. "I have no idea because it definitely got me" Sage said thoughtfully. "Sage" Derek said through gritted teeth putting her attention back on him. "Oh yeah, what's up?" She said obliviously. "Oh I don't know, it's not like I'm drowning or anything. Get in here and help" he said obviously.

"Yeah I could use a little help here" Stiles said struggling to stay above the water. Sage just laughed stopping when nobody else did. "Wait, your being serious. Oh hell no, I am not getting in that water" she scoffed. "Sage I swear to God" Derek started. "What you gonna to big brother, because right now I'm looking more mobile than you" she laughed getting an unamused glare in return. "Wow, you really need to get a better sense of humour" she muttered putting her hands up in surrender before she stared to remove her shoes and socks.

"What the hell are you doing?" Derek exasperated. "You want my help, so I'm helping but if you think I'm getting in that water with my shoes on, you are very wrong" she deadpanned. "Even the freaking lizard thinks your strange" Stiles stated making everyone turn to the kanima who had its head tilted in confusion. "Okay, you can do this Sage" she reassured herself before groaning and climbing into the pool. "Why didn't it attack you?" Derek asked.

ATARAXIA//Isaac Lahey //[1] Where stories live. Discover now