024. Problems arrise

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"You know you should totally date him, he's hot" Riley whispered smirking as both girls watched Isaac who winked at them before he started taking out players. "Oh shut up, Isaacs just my friend" Sage denied as she tried to hide her blush by walking back over to Scott on the bench.

 "Oh come on Sage, mom thought so too. She agreed with me and the two of us always talked about how you should get over yourself and date him" Riley groaned at her sisters stubbornness as she followed her back to the bench. "Who should you date?" Scott butted in overhearing the conversation.

 The Hale wolf just ignored him groaning so Riley leant forwards to look past her sister making it easier for her to talk to Scott. "Sage should get with Isaac" The blonde grinned. Scott hummed thoughtfully as he looked at Isaac and back to Sage again. "I agree" he nodded. Isaac who was stood on the field was eavesdropping. He grinned at Scott's response before he ran into another player before falling and not getting back up.

The other player stood off and took off his helmet. Jackson. Sage got up and ran towards Isaac who was still on the floor, Riley and Scott following close behind. The three crouched down as Isaac groaned. "It's not broken, but I can't move it, I think Jackson nicked me cause I can feel it spreading" The beta explained breathing heavily. 

"Maybe you should kiss it better Sage" Riley smiled nudging her sister causing Isaac to chuckle. "Shut up Riley, don't encourage her" Sage scolded the injured wolf and her sister. "McCall, either your in or we forfeit" Coach grumbled handing Scott the stick and walking away as people on a stretcher came and took Isaac. Sage looked nervously between Isaac and Scott.

 She needed to stay and help Scott but she didn't want to leave Isaac alone either. Riley saw her sisters conflicted look and spoke up. "You help Scott I'll go with Isaac, come and find us after" Riley told Sage who nodded in agreement. "Okay, be carful" Sage whispered hugging Riley before turning back to Scott as the blonde ran after Isaac.

Melissa ran towards the two wolves nervously. "Something's happening isn't it, something more than a lacrosse game?" The woman rushed out looking between her son and his friend. The betas shared a look before turning back to the worried mother. "You should go" Scott told her.

 "He's right, it's not safe" Sage agreed. "Oh, I'm not going anywhere. But everything that I said before forget it. All of it okay? If you can do something to help then you do it. You have too" the mother told the two teens desperately. "I will" Scott assured. "Sage, I need you to promise me?" Melissa said turning towards her. "I promise" she nodded. Melissa walked back to her bench and the two wolves looked at each other. "Take that bitch down" Sage sighed before walking over to the bench as Scott ran onto the field.

Sage heard Gerard talking to Scott offering him Allison in exchange for Derek and for the first time Sage questioned just how honorable Scott was. What lengths would he go to so he could get the girl he loved. "Don't do anything stupid Scott. I trust you" Sage whispered knowing the wolf heard her at the glance of acknowledgement he gave her.


Scott had seen Gerard leave so the pair snuck Scott of the lacrosse field and ran off to find Riley and Isaac only to find them cornered by the sink as Gerard stood in front of them with a sword. The two noticed the wolves immediately and glanced at each other before smirking at Gerard confusing the Argent.

 The wolves glowed their eyes ready to attack but Jackson came into the room confusing the pair as he managed to grab Gerard and leave without being fully seen. "Where'd he go" Scott asks with wide eyes. The four shared panicked looks as Scott, Sage and Riley turned around and sprinted back out to the lacrosse field.

By the time the betas got there it was too late. There was less than 30 seconds left and Jackson already had a murderous glint in his eye. He'd been given a target and someone was about to die. The final whistle blew. The crowed cheered. And nothing happened...

Until it did. All of the lights shut off putting them in complete darkness. Everyone was in panic as they screamed and scrambled to find the exit. Sage had lost her grip on Riley's hand as the pair got separated, the only person she could make out was Scott who's scent overpowered everyone else's as she pushed through the crowds to make it to him.

 "Scott, Scott where are you?" Melissa yelled through the crowd hers being the only voice Scott and Sage could make out. The male beta grabbed onto the Hale girls hand as he pulled her through the crowd with him as they made their way towards Melissa McCall. The mother and son duo yelled to each other as they made it to reaching distance.

"Somebody's hurt, somebody's down on the field" Melissa stressed. "What" Scott asked. "It could be Riley I lost her" Sage panicked, she tried to separate from Scott to make sure the injured person wasn't her sister but he stopped her. "Wait until the lights come on it won't be long, it's not safe yet" he told her getting a hesitant nod in return. 

Like Scott said the lights didn't take much longer to come back on. As soon as Sage could see again she ran towards the group of people huddled around the injured person. Sage froze when she saw Jackson passed out on the floor with blood on his claws. Isaac and Scott made the same realization Sage had, he did it to himself.

Once Sage realized it wasn't Riley she panicked, if Riley wasn't hurt then where the hell was she. Sheriff Stilinski started shouting for Stiles who also happened to be missing. One thing was for sure whenever Stiles and Riley had ended up it wasn't by choice and there was no way in hell Sage was going to loose anymore family members or her best friend.


It's been over ten days since the last update 😬 sorry for the slow updates they should be improving soon and I will be getting back to regular updates.

Also I cannot remember where Stiles went so wherever the hell he is Riley's there too lol. I haven't watched teen wolf in a while and I'm just watching it when I write the episodes so if Stiles has literally just wandered off then Riley did too 😂

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