030. Stuck in the subconscious

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(Chaos Rising)

"You know I'm starting not to like this idea, sounds kind of dangerous" Isaac complained as he paced much to Sage and Riley's dismay. "You know what? I definitely don't like this idea and I definitely don't like him" He finalized. "You'll be fine" Derek reassured.

"Suck it up Isaac. It's not a big deal" Riley groaned. "And please stop pacing, your making my brain hurt" Sage huffed. "Does it have to be him?" Isaac asked. "He knows how to do it. I don't. It'd be more dangerous if I tried doing it myself" Derek spoke boredly.

"You know Scott doesn't trust him right. You know personally I'd, well I'd trust Scott" Isaac told Derek. "You trust me?" Derek asked. "Yeah" the beta replied easily. "I still don't like him" Isaac added. "Nobody likes him" Derek shrugged.

"Boys, girls, FYI, yes coming back from the dead has left my abilities somewhat impaired, but the hearing still works. So I hope you're comfortable saying whatever it is that you're feeling straight to my face" Peter smiled as he walked in. "We don't like you" Derek scowled. "Hey, uncle Peter" Sage called out catching the man's attention.

"She's Sage, my favorite family member" He grinned. "You're only here because we have no other choice so hurry up, get the job done and leave" She said smiling sarcastically. "I agree" Riley inputed. "So just shut up and help us" Derek finished. "Fair enough" Peter smiled flicking out his claws.

"Relax, I'll get more out of you if you're calm" Peter told Isaac. "How do you know how to do this again" The blonde boy asked nervously. "It's an ancient ritual used mostly by alphas, since it's a skill that requires a bit of practice. One slip and you could paralyze someone . Or kill them" Peter taunted, enjoying making the boy squirm as he made the task out to be harder than it was.

"Peter, shut your mouth and get it done with" Sage sighed in irritation. "Wait does that mean-" Isaac started but was cut off as Peter dug his claws into the boys neck. Issac whimpered in pain as Peter shook for a second before flicking his head backwards and being pulled into Isaacs head.

The two of them move about in pain as Peter attempted to search Isaac's mind after he caught sight of Boyd and Erica. Peters body shook again before he pulled his claws from Isaacs neck and his body jolted backwards into the table.

"What'd you see?" Derek urged. "It was confusing" Peter told them breathing heavily. "Um, images, vague shapes" he stammered. "But you saw something" Derek asked. "Isaac found them" Peter realized. "Erica and Boyd" Derek asked."I barely saw them. I mean, glimpses" Peter added still slightly disoriented.

"But you did see them" Derek urged. "Derek chill, he doesn't know. But it means they could be alive" Sage said trying to calm her brother down. As the wolves were listening to Peter tell them about a time limit Riley took a deep breath as she was pulled into a vision. Sage heard the girl gasp so spun around to check on her.

"What's happening to her?" Derek asked looking curiously at the girls who's eyes were clouded over in a light blue colour almost as if she was blind. "She's having a vision, something we just said triggered it" Sage explained not taking her eyes away from her sister.

Riley gasped as she was pulled out of the vision and she looked at the four wolves who were surrounding her. "Erica and Boyd aren't the only wolves they've captured. There's someone else, a girl I couldn't see her face" Riley explained as she scrunched her face trying to think about details. "Her hair was brown, that's all I can remember" The blonde nodded.


Isaac, Derek, Scott, Stiles, Sage and Riley were at Deaton's veterinary clinic preparing an ice bath to hopefully make Isaac recall the memories Peter couldn't decipher. Deaton explained to the back that the ice would slow his heart rate enough to put Isaac into a hypnotic state to help him search through his subconscious and recall the memories.

ATARAXIA//Isaac Lahey //[1] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt