013.Jackasses and detention

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"So why do we need there help?" Isaac questioned following Derek through his train. "Because it's harder to kill than I thought and I still don't know who it is" Derek responded. "And they do?" The beta asked. "They might, but Sage definitely does so it depends on wether she's told them or not. Which is why I need one of you to get on their good side" the alpha explained. "Scott or Stiles?" Erica asked walking up to the pair.

"Either" He responded. "Why don't you just ask Sage" Isaac stated like it's obvious. "Because she's being difficult and doesn't want to share that information" Derek told them annoyance seeping through his tone. "She might tell you though" he said thoughtfully whilst turning to Isaac. "What- why me?" He asked surprised. "She feels bad, she came looking for you to make sure you were fully healed and I'm saying if she's telling anyone it's going to be you" Derek grinned teasingly getting a nod in response a little to quickly in his opinion.

"You know the full moons coming, Derek" the boy quizzed. "I'm aware of that" he said getting chains out of a chest. "These look comfortable" Erica smirked holding up a head contraption. "You said you were gonna teach us how to change whenever we wanted" Isaac pressed. "There hasn't been time and I thought Sage would be able to help but she's not as in control as I originally thought, she's okay on full moons but her anger is the problem so it's going to be harder because whatever her anchor is it's not grounding her enough" the Hale sighed.

"But if you have to lock us up during the full moon, that means your alone against the argents" Isaac persisted. "They haven't found us" Derek added. "Yet! So how about we forget the kanima" the male beta yelled. "We. Can't. There was something about the way Gerard looked at it. He wasn't afraid at all. I don't know what he knows or what he's planning. But I know one thing we have to find it first" Derek elaborated.


Allison and Sage walked into the library one of them not exactly by choice. They checked the cameras before walking into the isle next to Scott and Stiles, passing an iPad through to the boys with the bestiary translated so they could read about Jackson. "It's everything Lydia could translate and trust me she was very confused" Allison explained feeling guilty about the red head not understanding what was going on. "Yeah, what'd you tell her" Scott queried.

"That we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures" Sage grumbled repeating the excuse the huntress had previously used causing them all to laugh minus stiles. "Like seriously couldn't you have thought of a better excuse" The she wolf elaborated. "Hey! I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures" Stiles told them seriously. "why am I not surprised" Sage sighed. "O- oh great" Allison stammered.

"Okay, does it say how to find out who's controlling him?" Scott asked. "Not really. But Stiles was right about the murderers" The human girl explained. "Yes!" Stiles exclaimed happily punching his fist in the air. "It's called the kanima a weapon of vengeance. There's a story in there about this South American priest who uses the kanima to execute murderers in his village" Sage told them. "See, so maybe it's not all that bad" Stiles told them optimistically.

"Until the bond grew strong enough that it killed whoever he wanted it to" Allison finished. "All bad, all very, very bad" the buzz cut boy drawled. "Here's the thing though. The kanima actually supposed to be a werewolf. But it can't be" Allison whispered stopping when a student walked into the isle the girls were in. "Until it resolves that in its past that manifested it" Scott read. "If that means that Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could have told you that myself" stiles told them sarcastically. "What if it has something to do with his parents? His real parents" Allison quizzed.

"Yeah, does anybody actually know what happened to them?" Scott asked. "Lydia might" Stiles nodded. "What if she doesn't know anything?" Scott. "Well he doesn't have a restraining order against me or Sage so we'll talk to him" Allison stated. "Erm what, who said I wanted to talk to jackass Jackson" Sage added but shut up when Allison gave a look to say she didn't have a choice. "Great" the Hale muttered to herself. "Okay what do I do?" Scott challenged.

"You have a make up exam remember? Promise me." Allison reminded him. "If he does anything, you run the other way alright" Scott begged. "I can take take of myself" the huntress assured. "Or you know I could watch your back, it's not like I'm a werewolf or anything" Sage added sarcastically but was ignored by the couple and Stiles sniggered quietly to himself.

"Allison if you get hurt while I'm busy doing some stupid test, someone's going to need to take care of me. If he does anything-" Scott started but was cut off. "Like?" Allison interrupted. "Anything, weird or bizarre. Anything" Scott stumbled trying to find the right words. "Anything evil" Stiles said creepily shoving his head through the hole in the bookcase so he was on the other side. "Ow" the boy groaned as Allison shoved his head back through unamused by his antics. "Okay as cute as this is, one I can protect her she'll be fine and two if we want to find our wandering stray we better go" Sage added smiling sarcastically and started pushing Allison towards the door.


Allison and Sage hid behind the wall as they watched Jackson walk into the boys changing room getting ready to follow him inside. After Jackson made sure nobody was following him he went inside so the girls waiting a few seconds before moving follow him inside and confront him. The pair walked up to the door and were about to open it but Matt opened it from the inside making them both jump. "You scared the hell out of me" Matt laughed.

"Sorry we were, we were just um, nothing" Allison stammered. "Ah, that's a um- nice heels, I like both of your heels" the boy complimented awkwardly. "Oh yeah, Allison's feet were hurting so we were just coming to change her shoes" Sage lied smoothly. "Same reason I never wear mines he joked. "What? The huntress asked confused. "We really need to go and change her shoes or we'll be late so we will see you around" Sage smiled going to walk past the boy and follow Allison who had already gone inside.

"Wait, uh Sage did you hear about the underground show? Apparently, they've got some big name spinning" Matt added attempting to ask the girl out who was not getting the hint. "Oh you mean like a rave" The wolf corrected. "Oh is it still a rave, if you don't roll? I just call it a party. But hey I've got a friend who can hook us up with tickets if your down. Want me to get you one?" Matt smiled cheerfully at the girl.

"Oh yeah, that'd be great" Sage agreed not paying to what she was agreeing to because she was worried the girl who was currently alone with Jackson. "Um, it's Friday, so looking forward to it" He nodded walking away. "Ah, crap. Did I seriously just agree to going on a date with that guy" The girl groaned to herself before snapping out of it when she heard Allison yell from inside as well as her racing heart beat and quickly rushed in to check on her.

Sage flashed her eyes in anger when she saw he friend trapped against the lockers by Jackson. She growled at the boy and threw him away from the human girl. "Stay the hell away from her" she yelled. "Sage, Sage I'm fine" Allison yelled at the girl but her eyes widened again when Scott ran in and threw him again. "I have a restraining order!" Jackson shouted at the boy.

"Trust me, I restrained myself" Scott growled. Jackson got up and threw Scott backwards making Sage lunge at him and knock him to the floor but he soon got back up and threw her into the lockers and ran after Scott. The three of them fought, Scott and Sage throwing Jackson into multiple things as Jackson responded in the same way eventually messing up the changing room with sinks broken and dents in the walls.

They continued fighting until Jackson pushed Scott out of the door and Sage pushed him off of Scott getting ready to attack him again but Allison grabbed her, Erica grabbed Jackson and Stiles pulled Scott of the floor. "I swear to gif let go of me I'm going to kill him" Sage hissed trying to fight the girls grip but not hurt her in the process. "What the hell is going on? Hey! Enough!" Mr Harris yelled as he stormed down the corridor.

"What do you idiots think your doing? Jackson! Calm down! Mr McCall, Miss Hale, you wanna explain yourselves? Stilinski! You, you and you" he started pointing at the three who started the fight. "Actually, all of you detention, three o'clock" Harris ordered before walking away. "Asshole" Sage muttered shoving Jackson as she pushed past him.



I know that Allison was supposed to be going with Matt to the party, rave thing but I prefer it this way because we get to see jealous Isaac :)

None of the chapters are edited yet so sorry if there's any mistakes I will go back and fix them soon.

Also sorry there's no Isage in this chapter but there will be more in the next one ;)

ATARAXIA//Isaac Lahey //[1] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang