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One rule about being friends with Spencer Reid, Coffee is baby. His baby. So, steal it from him and your gonna regret life. 

"Hey Reid," Y/n walks over to Spencer with a sweet smile. The only sound in the room being her brown boot like heels clicking on the floor as she walked. Her black dress had been scrunched up from sitting down all morning, as she walked, she had adjusted it, so it was now at her kneecap and not almost above her thigh. The dress had a no sleeves, but because of protocol she wore a brown jacket over it all. Her style, Reid thought, was always unique but fancy.  

"What's up?" Spencer asked, not looking up from his book that he got from Maeve a few weeks ago. 

"I was wondering..." Y/n trails off and looks down at her best friend. 

"Okay?" Spencer looks up now and gives Y/n a look of confusion, "I do that too, what's your point?" 

"Well, I'm in need for coffee and you filled your coffee cup already. The coffee machine is broken so-" Y/n rambles but stops when she hears Spencer's chair spinning around. She looks down to see Spencer with his coffee cup in hand. The green cup had the words 'I in the FBI!' and under it was a man reading a book with a life vest on. She always found it to be a interesting cup, that Morgan gave Spencer only months after Spencer joined the BAU, a inside joke she guessed. 

"A sip of it," Spencer rolled his eyes and handed it to her. 

"Real- Wait, really?" Y/n stuttered out. Spencer nodded, watching as Y/n took the coffee cup and brought it slowly to her lips before sipping the warm drink. It made her insides warm and made her smile. She slowly handed it back to Spencer and tilted her head. "Thanks, but I thought you didn't like sharing?" 

"I don't but the Machine is broken, and Hotch will kill us if you fall asleep on the job," Spencer joked, bringing back an inside joke. 

"That was one time!" Y/n protests, walking back to her seat. The sound of her boot like heels was the only thing heard as she walked. 

Spencer Reid x Y/N OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now