No means no Reid

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"The Unsub is a Filipino woman in her mid-twenties to late thirties. We think she may have kids," you told them your face as blank as possible. Spencer continued on with the profile. 

"She may act as though she isn't dangerous, may ask elderly if they need help, watch kids. but She is also a Sociopath that suffers from severe brain damage in the frontal lobe of the brain, most likely from a car accident," Spencer sways back and forth, you eye him suspiciously. 

"We advise you watch for anyone with difficulty doing their job or troubles with family members, considering they may also have a habit of hitting," Emily spoke, you looked down at the floor. then the conference ended, and you headed for coffee. 

Spencer followed behind you. You continued to pour coffee, even when you felt Spencer's hands ghost around your waist. You grabbed his wrist and before it actually hit your waist and turned to face him. 

"Spence, we're working," You warned, he ignored you and engulfed you in a hug. His arms wrapped around your waist as your arms went to his neck, hanging losing around each other. "You okay, Doctor?" You asked, looking up at him. He was a few inches taller than you. 

"Yeah, I just wanted a hug," Spencer smiled, letting go of you and continuing to get coffee for himself. 

That how the rest of the day panned out, him constantly hugging you or kissing your forehead or pulling out a seat for you or even just wrapping his arm around your waist. You started to get worried. So, just to test a theory you told him no. He pouted but did it anyway. 

"No means no, Spence," You sang as he hugged you. you went limp. 

"No Reid," 



"No, please?" 

"I'm tired of this, no,"

"No means no Reid," you told him sternly. You'd been saying it all week. It was starting to sound as though you were talking to a kid. You were on the plane now, heading home, Spencer asked if you sit with him and when you did, he scoffed, grabbed you and placed you on his lap. Rossi's eyebrows shot up, and he was no longer paying attention to Emily rant about England. Luke wasn't any better he whistled and laughed. 

You jump off his lap and sigh, "Spence, what's wrong? You've been touchy all week, I mean I love touchy you I do, but I'm starting to get worried," you told him, he looked into his lap and didn't look back up at you. 

"I miss you, that's all. I mean y/n you're my best friend and are constantly away in foreign countries or here but working. I love hanging out with JJ I do, but I want to hang out with you," Spencer told you with honesty. Rossi went back to talking to Emily and Luke was busy now with talking to Penelope. 

"You-you miss me?" Your voice cracked slightly. He nodded, running his hands through his hair. 

"Where are you going next for work?" Spencer asked. You felt tears running down your cheeks. You always thought Spencer liked JJ over you. This changed everything. 

"I'm staying," you tell him. 

"What?" He blinked, surprised, "But-" You kiss his cheek and smile. 

"No buts, my best friend needs me more than anything right now, and I just have to except that and be with him," you remark, wiping your tears and nodding happily. 

Spencer was more than pleased by those words. Later he even promised that he would buy you whatever food or drink you wanted as he talked to you about the scientifically reasoning behind Quantum Magnetics. Which you loved to hear him rant about, even if it made no sense to you. 

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